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UFC 94 - Georges St. Pierre vs. BJ Penn II

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That was fucking nuclear. BJ being all family man/humble and GSP bringing in his New Mexico Wrecking Crew who rep him like mad. Great stuff.


The BJ segments seemed to alternate between him being humble, hanging with the Penn clan, and then talking the most insane amount of shit possible on GSP and everyone tied to him. I think he threatened Firas at one point.


I'm hyped for this show.

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Oh fuck. The intro of the training partners is quite possibly the coolest shit the UFC has ever done. Closely rivaled by BJ running with big ass glasses, and boxing in slow mo.


Have I mentioned how awesome this show is? Really makes everything else the UFC does look like crap.

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Marquardt trying to talk GSP up was slightly awkward, implying that GSP is more skilled than BJ, but describing his main strengths over him being "bigger, stronger, faster..," etc. While true, it implies the fight will be decided by genetics (IMO, it probably will), which is an odd way of giving a training partner props. If anything, he should have at least said GSP has better wrestling.

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Something set BJ off.


t’s surprising that he’s in such good shape without the use of steroids or growth hormones, he’s eating cheeseburgers and all that. (GSP trainer) Firas [Zahabi], after the fight, he can go home, walk to his bedroom, take his shoes off, lie down in his bed, take about 20 or 30 minutes and go fuck himself."


He really doesn't like Firas.

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YPOV- In the "House that GSP Built" article on UFC.com they mention he's working out with Olympic standout Cleo Ncube. Me and Rudo sat next to him and his brother @ 83 last last year. Awesome cat, you know him?

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I don't know him well, only saw him at the gym once but I know he's working a lot on his striking because he wants to do MMA and is working with some of the guys that I train with. I saw him at the gym helping Rashad and Nate with some takedown work, and I thought what he was showing was pretty good so I asked him some questions about it also. One was a standard double, the other was a double off of a single leg once the guy takes his leg out. They were both pretty good takedowns, as he did it a little differently than I saw before, so I tried to get the details down as well as I could. I have already added them to my game.


Awesome athlete, even better wrestler. He helped me out, so I guess nice guy too.

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It was weird sitting next to this dude who, out of nowhere checks his Blackberry and goes "Alright, just talked to backstage. Champ's ready." Him being beside me was weirdly calming because I figured if this dude wasn't worried in the least that GSP was going to lose I shouldn't have been either. I know he went to McDonalds with GSP after the show.

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We were ten rows up in the lower bowl, basically eye level with the octagon. Yeah, good sets. We had Herman, Robert Follis, Herring, Loiseau, MacDonald all hanging out around the area. Herman was heavy into the booze after Maia put him out.

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Re: Vallely


Growing up skateboarding and watching videos I was exposed to Vallely being a self-righteous, belief-pushing torch who got his rocks off picking fights with pretty much anybody who'd start something with him. You can YouTube him beating the shit of some serious "bros" which I'm all for but the guy is just kinda nuts.

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Yeah wasn't Mike V. in some of Bam's older skate videos beating the shit out of people really for no reason aka "to look cool" ?

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