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The New SWF AIM Screename Thread

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Note: At the request of Tom, I've created a new AIM name thread, as the old one was terribly, terribly cluttered and never got updated. This one needs a lot of work, though, as I know basically none of the current roster's screen names. The retiree/lurker/whatever section has been redone based on people I would consider recent enough to be relevent, and worth bothering. :D


Please post your screen names if you don't have them listed here, if you're retired and would like them listed here, or download AIM and make a new account. Yes, you heard me. I don't give a rat's ass what your opinion of AOL is, and I don't care if MSN or ICQ is better. It's the most widely used form of instant messaging in the fed, and the easiest way to get in contact with someone sans PM. Deal with it.


WF Bookers:


Zed - reality55check

Thoth - thoth2020

TNT - Un Debaser




Chris Raynor - HighRes1

Suicide King - Emilvandro

Mark Stevens - Mulkiathe

Kibagami - Alpha Male 084


WF Wrestlers:


Ace Lezaire - muzzums

Aecas - Aecas666

Alan Clark - OAOamazingrando

Austin Sly -

Ced Ordonez - itisacedric

Crow -

Dace Night - DaceNight

"Deathwish" Danny Williams -

Edward James - Dagual 00

Jay Dawg -

Janus - coreoftheproblem

"The Notorious" John Duran - seventhdemon0/johnduran13

Johnny Dangerous - Lordofthespy

Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix -

Manson - Arcarsenalflow

The Masked Man - Super5tar06

Martin "Big Country" Hunt - MountainBrewed

"The Icon" Max King -

Mike Van Siclen - Hollywood McFly

Munich - Detachable Pepe

Petey the Irish Penguin/Insane Luchador - Loser91011

Rob Gilbert -

Ryan Dustin -

Sean Davis -

"Hollywood" Spike Jenkins - FallToZero428

Todd Cortez - ZackMalibu

Toxxic -

"The Superior One" Tom Flesher - TomIofV

Zyon - cerozero0


Retirees and People of Interest:


Annie Eclectic - tg160330

Chris Card/Va'aiga - AmazingRAW

Chris Wilson - Rabbiwilson1313

“CIA” Canadian Intelligence Agent - Drew Kelk

Crusen - crusen86

Edwin MacPhisto - Friar Funk

Ejiro Fasaki/Coy West - markgoodhart

El Luchadore Magnifico - ELMetal222

Frost - forty205

GOdrea - GOdrea311

HVille Thugg - HvilleThugg

Jake Helmsely - Kaine6294

Judge Mental - PenaltyBox2001

Michael Craven - PikaPal13X

Renegade - shervster

The Boston Strangler - soxrule321

Tod deKindes - Tod deKindes

Tryst/Merc - rerizen

Xero - redbaron51ca

Edited by chirs3

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Awww, I'm Of Interest. :wub:

Nah, your parents pay us to just pretend we're you're awesome! Just can't break through the glass door, eh? :lol: Aw Todd, you know we all hate you! Tehehehe! Man, I'm just playing with you, how goes it!

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I have changed my AIM SN for no good reason.




Change your Buddy Lists accordingly. Or don't.

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Guest Horse hockey!

Jackie The Falcon to reach Sean Davis.


Everybody look! It's changed!!

Edited by Horse hockey!

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JCThomeFan25 here.


Not like it matters much. Heh.

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Might as well add my name here.


Stryke = KillAllHumans101


I'll probably manage to be online about as much as i manage to show up for the SWF, i.e. not very much, but who knows.

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