cd213 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 I've been in this thread since the beginning, and haven't seen it mentioned yet, so: Anyone notice that Chris Benoit had a rather large head himself. His frontal lobe was very big. anyone thinking that maybe he also suffered from Fragile X syndrome or a different form of mental illness and just hid it from everyone? When they were talking about it on the Nancy Grace show, I started to think the same thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spaceman Spiff 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 I've been in this thread since the beginning, and haven't seen it mentioned yet, so: Anyone notice that Chris Benoit had a rather large head himself. His frontal lobe was very big. anyone thinking that maybe he also suffered from Fragile X syndrome or a different form of mental illness and just hid it from everyone? Could just be from the steroid use (see Barry Bonds's huge dome). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boxer 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 What are they going to do throw him in jail because of a weird coincidence? I don't see how they could, honestly., since anyone can edit Wikipedia. Just because he turned out to be right on a freaky coincidence, well, still he didn't do anything illegal. Everything should sort itself out when this breaks in the mainstream news and this guy ends up with his own wikipedia page, complete with vandalizations and all. Poetic justice at its finest. Might even screw with him professionally for a while if this whole story pops up when a potential future employer googles his name and finds this stuff. This has become hilarious... the dude's amusing himself with the anonymity of the internet and gets caugt in a freakish coincidence. Now his name and image are publically associated with things like: Artest is a piece of @!$%# nigger!!!!!!! People want to @!$%# her in her lovely @!$%# and whip her ass til the dawn of day. Many people fantasize about ramming their cocks up her @!$%#. Don't fuck with Wikipedia... Good for the person in this very thread who found all this on Monday night days before the world caught on... I really hope this guy gets owned. Those edits on wikipedia should only expose this piece of crap. That apology to me seemed so forced. Looking at that history of that IP and his edits, he's nothing but a piece of crap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jingus 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 I've been in this thread since the beginning, and haven't seen it mentioned yet, so: Anyone notice that Chris Benoit had a rather large head himself. His frontal lobe was very big. anyone thinking that maybe he also suffered from Fragile X syndrome or a different form of mental illness and just hid it from everyone? Now that you CAN blame on steroids. Unnatural hormone use (like wrestlers do all the time) can have a wide variety of nasty little side effects, and a common one is that the skull ends up growing and you end up with a caveman forehead. Benoit's not the only one: look at HHH, Snitsky, and so on. It's unlikely Chris had Fragile X, because that syndrome comes with a bunch of little various deformities that would keep someone from ever being a pro wrestler at all, much less one of the most athletic and talented ones in the world. Also, once again: Fragile X is passed down through the MOTHER's genes. The father has absolutely nothing to do with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Perfection 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Wow, I've never watched Nancy Grace before. She is TERRIBLE. She claimed that April 10th to June 28th was "almost 4 months." I was laughing pretty good at her and that other woman argueing over that as they were BOTH wrong. One lady said it was 4 weeks and she said 4 months. it was fucking hilarious Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spadsta Report post Posted June 29, 2007 You know, the Smarking Out Podcast ( had a really good podcast on this. They normally do a funny comedy podcast, but they really handled the whole Benoit situation well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Perfection 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Warrior is on Hannity & Colmes tonight, right? I am looking forward to that one most of all. Has anyone noticed Hulk Hogan has been absent from the proceedings this week? Probably too much roid talk going around for the Huckster to get in the pool... Is it no wonder they keep trying to find the WORST possible guests they can find, especially those with axes to grind. EDIT to add, I would recommend watching Dan Abrams tonight. He has been filling for Scarborough and I think he's done a fairly reasonable job because he allows folks to talk, and doesn't presume much. He spent something like 40 minutes on this topic last night. As with most of the media he has focuses a bit much on the steriods but overall I think he's been reasonably fair imho. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Downhome 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Dave Scherer has followed professional wrestling — as both a fan and a journalist — for nearly 30 years now, and in that time, he's seen all sorts of guys step between the ropes. But he'd never seen anyone like Chris Benoit, a wrestler who was both technically sound and brutally raw — a grind-'em-out, stone-serious grappler who could best be described as unflashy yet still managed to go over well with both the fans and the guys in the locker room. It didn't hurt that Benoit was probably one of the best of all time, always delivering top-notch efforts and often carrying guys of lesser talent to the matches of their careers. And almost no one had a bad thing to say about him, whether on the message boards or in the boardrooms of the WWE, a fact evidenced by the sheer number of wrestlers who lined up to sing his praises during Monday's three-hour tribute on "Monday Night Raw," before the full details of his death were revealed. He was well-liked and respected by everyone who worked with him or shook his hand. By all accounts, he was a family man who loved his life and his craft. Of course, that picture has changed considerably since Monday, when details of the apparent double-murder and suicide in his Fayetteville, Georgia, home started to make waves around the world (see "Deaths Of WWE Champ Chris Benoit, Family Being Treated As Murder-Suicide"). According to investigators, Benoit murdered his wife and son, laying Bibles beside their bodies and staying in the home for several hours before taking his own life in the basement. Now everything Scherer — and millions of wrestling fans worldwide — knew about the former champion appears to have been wrong. "Before Monday, I was a huge fan of Chris Benoit. He was always an amazing worker, among the best who ever stepped in the ring. He developed a following among the hard-core Internet fans because they appreciated how great he was," Scherer, who owns the professional-wrestling-news site, told MTV News on Wednesday. "But after hearing about what it appears he has done to his family, I will never be able to look at him or his work the same way. As someone who holds my wife and daughter as the more important things in my life, I can't understand how he could do what he is alleged to have done. At this point in time, I never want to see any of his matches again." Scherer isn't alone in his sentiments. In the days following the tragedy in Fayetteville, the WWE pulled all Benoit merchandise from its online store, and chairman Vince McMahon took to the airwaves to denounce his former champ. Users on actively debated whether or not it's appropriate to sell Benoit's "Hard Knocks" DVD. And MTV News has been flooded with e-mails from shocked fans, many of whom say they idolized Benoit but now will never be able to separate the wrestler from the man. "For the majority of my adolescence, I've watched and admired wresting, Chris Benoit being one of the not-to-miss superstars. As an adult, I've come to realize, now more so than ever before, that the person I see on the screen is truly not [that person in real life]," Aleisha Bayron-Kaiser of Houston wrote. "I'm still in the mindset of 'I know I'll wake up soon,' but I'm honestly not surprised because this sort of thing happens too often. I am disappointed in who I idolized." "Last night I was in tears. Now I am in disgust," Audrey Presson from Umatilla, Florida, added. "How can a man who demanded such respect bring such disrespect to his life? Remembering him in the light I saw him in in my teen years is hard now that these horrid actions have been revealed." We live in a time when our heroes are constantly letting us down or have bad light cast on them. Whether they're athletes like Mark McGwire and Michael Vick or musicians like R. Kelly and Michael Jackson, we're willing to put supremely talented people on pedestals and often equally willing to forgive when they tumble off of them. But if investigators are correct, few instances in recent memory are as brutal and unexpected as the Benoit tragedy, which only makes the hurt felt by those who idolized him all the more real — and all the more difficult to forgive. "We're more willing to create heroes these days because our culture has become more fragmented — because there are more absentee fathers out there, kids need to reach out and have other figures to identify with," said Dr. Stanley Teitelbaum, a sports psychologist and the author of "Sports Heroes, Fallen Idols: How Star Athletes Pursue Self-Destructive Paths and Jeopardize Their Careers." "People idolize athletes because if they can identify with someone who is out there performing well, it makes them feel good about themselves. If anything, the way people are reacting to Benoit is an index of how betrayed they feel by him." But will millions of shell-shocked fans ever be able to view Benoit's greatest moments — his 1999 match with Bret Hart, a tribute to Bret's brother, a fellow grappler who died in a freak in-ring incident; or his post-match celebration from WrestleMania XX — in the same light? Will the Fayetteville tragedy color the way people view professional wrestling forever? As you'd expect in a situation like this, the answers aren't really clear. In fact, they tend to vary depending on the individual, just another hint at how personally connected people felt to their hero. "I can't say," Scherer responded when asked if he'll be able to watch Benoit's matches again. "Right now, I don't see that time coming. If I find out he was suffering from dementia due to concussions, maybe I could. If it ends up being [steroid] rage, no way." "There are stages that take place in instances like this," Teitelbaum said. "First, fans get mad because they're losing something. Then they withdraw or get depressed, but gradually they come back. "Feelings are intensified when it's an abrupt loss like this," he continued. "But generally, if someone's hero has failed them, they will come back. Not necessarily to the hero who let them down, but to someone else — to the next star they've made." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Perfection 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Interesting read. The thing with Benoit and why he was so looked up to by many, especially those here on the net, was because for years we have heard nothing but good things about him outside the ring/behind the scenes by those who worked with him. This is not the same IMHO as some celebrity turned bad, or some football player turned bad because in general long before those people got in trouble, there were rumours of their lifestyle or what they were like. But with Benoit, noone had a bad thing to say about him, ever. Because of the universal praise he got and the fact that many of us have followed his career for years, we felt like we had a very good idea of the type of person he was. That idea of the type of person he was was more justified than in other cases of celebrity worship because if something was not good about a person, you would definately hear about it somewhere and from someone. The fact that his closest friends and fellow workers are as shocked by this as anyone tells me that its not really a case of putting someone up on a pedestal unfairly or too hastily because he was our favorite wrestler. Even though there were rumblings something seemed wrong in the past few months by those who worked with him, This is a case where not even those closest to him knew he was capable of doing this. I do hope we find out that he had brain damage or something that would at least explain to some extint why someone who was so liked and respected, turned into a monster. If he did have brain damage then its far easier to forgive something like this...otherwise....he will never be forgiven and looked at as one of the most evil wolves in sheep's clothing that there ever was. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ripper 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Wow, I've never watched Nancy Grace before. She is TERRIBLE. She claimed that April 10th to June 28th was "almost 4 months." I was laughing pretty good at her and that other woman argueing over that as they were BOTH wrong. One lady said it was 4 weeks and she said 4 months. it was fucking hilarious The funniest thing was still the Rachel Dratch character looking lady when they went to her and she just stared blankly at the screen and said "Um, How about ACCESSORY TO MURDER!!!!" I will never stop laughting at that. Ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheBigSwigg 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 I've finally got to where I can make a joke about this. Here goes... Sabu should be pissed. Not only did Benoit break his neck, but he also tried to steal his gimmick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haVoc 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 I bet if this never happened and Nancy left Benoit and went public a year later saying Benoit use to beat/threaten her and she was scared for hers and her child's life we all would have called her a money hungry attention whore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Perfection 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 I bet if this never happened and Nancy left Benoit and went public a year later saying Benoit use to beat/threaten her and she was scared for hers and her child's life we all would have called her a money hungry attention whore. Good point but when I first remember hearing about Debra saying Austin beat her I wasn't that surprised in the least and I don't think many were either, at least I don't recall many being surprised. With the revelation of the court documents where she proclaimed this though several years ago he obviously had a history of losing it with her and if a year from now she came forward and said this, the fact it was never made public then I think people would have believed it. I'm surprised so few people, if anyone, knew she even made those accussations. Several including Bret hart i think said he had no idea about that. I can't help but wonder if this would have happened if Eddie was still alive. I think if benoit was this close to the edge, he would have talked to him and helped him. We will never know though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob_barron 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 noone Leave noone out of this. People liked Benoit because he put on great matches and was always being OMG HELD DOWN!~ so they had something to bitch about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Perfection 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 noone Leave noone out of this. People liked Benoit because he put on great matches and was always being OMG HELD DOWN!~ so they had something to bitch about. When referencing noone, I meant his coworkers..not fans. Not sure what your point is though because many liked him not only because of his ability but because he was so respected. I know that was one reason I liked him. Its much easier to like someone when you know that he is a decent person outside of the squared circle and outside of the character he plays on tv. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yuna_Firerose 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Jericho absolutely ruled in the interview. Haven't seen Chyna's, but from what I'm reading, sounds like the total opposite. I'm not sure they have an agenda when finding anyone to interview -- except for maybe guys who aren't with the company, who they could easily buy for a few minutes. That Nancy Grace woman... well in that short clip, only thing annoying about her was the accent. How grating. And yeah, that's my first time seeing her. I'm the type to avoid the news. So many conflicting issues, never know what facts are right, people arguing... no thanks. Sounds like a headache to me. "Feelings are intensified when it's an abrupt loss like this," he continued. "But generally, if someone's hero has failed them, they will come back. Not necessarily to the hero who let them down, but to someone else — to the next star they've made." Something about 'the next star they've made' sounds so condescending. The quote is saying basically the only reason anyone idolized or looked up to Benoit is because he was a celebrity/athlete. Which obviously isn't true. To the media and press, though, this is like O.J all over again - beloved star commits horrible act. Only reason they're latching onto it. And of course the promise of uncovering dirty secrets the deeper they dig. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ripper 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 No one is two words. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ripper 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Unless you are talking about Peter Noone. And if that is the case, i am with bob. Leave Noone out of this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Perfxion 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 People saying fuck Debra are fucking retarded. She may have something to push, BUT Steve did beat her. There is no reason for her to be looked like something of a gold digging whore when it was Steve who was beating her and getting arrested. I bet if it comes out that Nancy had marks that Benoit has hit her before, then this could be roid rage and that the media could be correct. The problem is, the link between Steve and Chris is that they scarred their former wives. Chris flipped over a table. That doesn't sound like he beat her. Steve left physical marks on his wife. I am not doubting that Chris might have hit his wife. But until something comes out to say such, then we will never know. We just don't know why because everyone involved is dead. The problem with this case is that it is open and shut on who did it. The case hanger is why did Chris do it. Everyone knows that drugs, alcohol, and violence where in the house. But who was drinking, who was taking the roids, what was the trigger to the senseless act? We may never know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrVenkman PhD 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Toronto Sun has a huge Benoit picture on the front page with the headline "JUICE FREAK". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrRant 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Toronto Sun has a huge Benoit picture on the front page with the headline "JUICE FREAK". I'm a juice freak too. Orange Juice is just that goddamn good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ripper 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Did steve beat the woman he was with after debra? I remember people saying it was understandable because she broke some chain or something that Brian Pillman gave him, so of course it was okay for a 6'4" 250lb man to punch the woman half his size. Just like I am totally sure Debra did something to deserve to be beaten with a belt... I don't agree with Debra saying that if she had said something earlier Nancy could have been saved. Nancy was about to leave Chris for flipping over a table. She had gotten out of that abusive relationship with Sullivan and it appeared she wasn't going to be around it if Chris was going to do the same thing. I think it spoke volumes for her honestly. This is a case of I don't the anyone could have seen this coming, not Nancy, not Chris, not anyone. He just lost his fucking mind on Friday. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ripper 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Toronto Sun has a huge Benoit picture on the front page with the headline "JUICE FREAK". I'm a juice freak too. Orange Juice is just that goddamn good. What the fuck is juice? Let me get some of that Orange DRINK. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gary Floyd 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Toronto Sun has a huge Benoit picture on the front page with the headline "JUICE FREAK". I'm a juice freak too. Orange Juice is just that goddamn good. We all remember who loved apple juice... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ripper 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Toronto Sun has a huge Benoit picture on the front page with the headline "JUICE FREAK". I'm a juice freak too. Orange Juice is just that goddamn good. We all remember who loved apple juice... WHAT the FUCK is this JUICE? I want some Apple Drink. Its green. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Robfather 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Bottom line is people will go to great lengths to protect their own fantasy made image of the people they look up to. Benoit isn't someone worthy of any kind of respect just because he was a excellent professional wrestler. What kind of person was he really? He is a murderer first and foremost. Its hard for me to look past that, which is why I can't really see myself bothering to watch any of his matches ever again. I saw the WM celebration when I was watching the Jericho interview and it just made me sick to my stomach. As for Austin, I don't see why he gets a free pass on the stuff he did to Debra. Criticism of her seems to fall into that blame the victim category. JMO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest George's Box Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Holy SHit...Jericho in Nancy Grace Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest George's Box Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Apparently Warrior is going to be Hannity and Colmes tomorrow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spaceman Spiff 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Not your best work there, Czech. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Perfection 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2007 Well WWE might have just gotten a big break because of the foiled terrorist attack in Britain. The news will immediately drop this story most likely and cover the terrorist plot 24/7 for the foreseeable future. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites