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The Office: Season 4

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Guest Tsukuyomi

Pam's graphic was actually pretty professional. And outside a few odd points in the narration ("The Speed of Time?" Huh?), that actually a really good commercial. Love the cuts.

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"'Oh, D'. It stands for Andy."


And outside a few odd points in the narration ("The Speed of Time?" Huh?), that actually a really good commercial.

Except for that whole "limitless paper in a paperless world" at the end. How does that sell paper? A cute commercial, but not one I'd call good ("good" being defined as selling your product).

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That was good. First episode of S4 I watched with an audience, good times. Michael's commercial was funny and actually pretty good but you coudl see why they wouldn't air it... though it was just a local spot with charm.


Side note: Michael said he would bankroll the cost of the pros coming back a second time, did he not? He must REALLY be hurting for money now, but evidentially not enough that he couldn't buy a round at the bar.

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You have a son and it's me.


That, convict Stanley and Kool-Aid Kevin slayed me.


I spit soda on the You have a son, and it's me, part. Brilliant.

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Guest Gym Class Fallout
Except for that whole "limitless paper in a paperless world" at the end. How does that sell paper? A cute commercial, but not one I'd call good ("good" being defined as selling your product).

Because coming into it, I think everyone expected it to be a total trainwreck, but it actually came out not being completely horrible. I mean, yeah, obviously it wasn't a great commercial, but it showed that Michael is somewhat competent and creative after all, as he incorporated the entire staff and had some flashes of brilliance in there with the traveling paper thing. Besides, the pros didn't have a great commercial themselves. It didn't have any voiceovers. I think the impression we were supposed to get was that they just used the same "guy gives up at big box store, goes to small place" footage for not just the other Dunder-Mifflin branches, but myriad mid-sized paper distributors as well, with the last scene just spliced in. I liked the whole dynamic of Michael and the executives arguing about this, because it seemed like Michael saw a window to do something creative and interesting, while Ryan and David just wanted to do it as quickly and easy as possible. Any of us who have been a part of something involving creative people and non-creative people can relate to how frustrating it can be. Anyway, B.J. Novak is a hell of a writer.


Okay, that's all the analysis I'm going to do before I start tiptoeing into "living vicariously through John Krasinski's character" territory.

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So there was The Office Convention in Scranton this weekend, and reports are starting to file in. Yesterday was the Cast Q&A panel, and amazingly, a podcast website was able to record the entire 90 minute event. You can listen to it here. I'm more looking forward to hearing the Writers' Q&A, which was today.

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Those pictures are strange to look at because I spent most of my teenage years at those places.


Never in a million years did I imagine people would be flocking there to take pictures.

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I the episode because I think so far they've done a very good job of balancing the growth-factor of Pam and Jim's relationship while giving us the payoff moments we've been craving for three seasons. Case in point, Jim leaving Pam breakfast was sweet but the Second Life scene was a good at getting more in-depth in terms of how they view one another. One could make the argument that Pam might have seen (or in the future might see) in Jim the same boring character traits that she rid herself of in previous seasons. Jim's reluctance to talk about the character could've set off alarms in Pam's head that now that Jim has achieved his goal in dating her that he might not have much else to work for.

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Guest Tsukuyomi
And outside a few odd points in the narration ("The Speed of Time?" Huh?), that actually a really good commercial.

Except for that whole "limitless paper in a paperless world" at the end. How does that sell paper? A cute commercial, but not one I'd call good ("good" being defined as selling your product).


I'd like to point out that the 'pro' commercial doesn't really 'sell' the product, either. If you didn't know what Dunder-Mifflin was, there aren't many hints that they sell paper or anything like it. It's just a guy wandering around a generic big office supply store, not finding help, and then walking into the Dunder-Mifflin building. That's not selling the product at all.


I'd say Michael's commercial actually sells the product pretty well. It's not blunt throughout the entire thing, but the entire commercial makes you want to figure out what's going on or where it's going with the whole thing. And at the end, they reveal that they sell paper (Something that isn't immediately recognizable in the first commercial), which is the entire motif holding all the scenes together. It also exposes you to the name multiple times (You can it multiple times in the office itself, as well as on the paper for Stanley and Michael outright mentioning it in the narration). I dunno, but at the very least I'd remember the commercial and the product being sold, two things that I can't say for the corporate commercial.

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I the episode because I think so far they've done a very good job of balancing the growth-factor of Pam and Jim's relationship while giving us the payoff moments we've been craving for three seasons. Case in point, Jim leaving Pam breakfast was sweet but the Second Life scene was a good at getting more in-depth in terms of how they view one another. One could make the argument that Pam might have seen (or in the future might see) in Jim the same boring character traits that she rid herself of in previous seasons. Jim's reluctance to talk about the character could've set off alarms in Pam's head that now that Jim has achieved his goal in dating her that he might not have much else to work for.


I thought that the Second Life scene might start in a direction where Pam begins to question if Jim is happy there, or if he is just in Scranton for her, leading to a Pam distancing from Jim to try and get him to move on to bigger things career wise.


Jim's character has always felt like he was above being a paper salesman, so it would fit.

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NBC Developing



I am – Hercules!!


How does NBC hope to replace “Scrubs” after it burns off its 15 final half-hours?


A spinoff of the highly rated “The Office,” featuring characters we’ve not yet met, is in the works.


The stars of “Office II” will be introduced on “Office I” this season.


A “name” actor is being sought to star in the series. (Maybe someone should talk to that fat Britisher on HBO's "Extras"; he seems to have improv skills.)





more Office? I'll takes it

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Feel free to correct to me if I'm wrong, but has there ever been a successful spinoff where the said character only appears on the show it spun off from once or twice solely to set up the spinoff? All the spinoffs that use that method seem kind of lame.

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Not truly a fit to the question, but the mom from Family Matters was an uber minor character on Perfect Strangers. Like she was always there in the background, but never had more than a line or two.


In this case, it could work, depending on if they manage to not be a total clone of The Office while under the same basic premise.

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