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Review: WCW Thunder, from Fargo, North Dakota; 8/13/1998.

Tony, Brain, and Lee Marshall will commentate. ___________________ Scott Hall will face Konnan...   - First, Hall cuts a promo. No surprise there. Everyone wants to see the Wolfpac, judging by the survey he gave.   - The match begins, and you could tell that Hall is drunk. No surprise there. Some guy with a sign walks by, and the sign says "Who booked this crap?" Awesome. Hall makes sure that people begin to boo him by cheating, and he wins with the OUTSIDERS EDGE at 6:40. **. Sloppy as could be, but still entertaining. ___________________ Raven w/Lodi is going to face Horace, after Raven cuts a promo.   - Love the sign gimmick. Lodi keeps Raven from hitting Horace with a stop sign for some reason. I don't know why. Raven's Rules, don't forget. The rest of the Flock comes out, and they all run in when Lodi won't beat up Horace, which is a, um, no contest at 3:31. Saturn runs out and everyone stops beating Horace up...then Horace and the rest of the Flock beats up Saturn. Kanyon runs out and beats up the Flock...until Saturn hits Kanyon. What the fuck is this? * for the match, negatives for the angle. ___________________   Tony interviews Stevie Ray...who wants to face The Giant. You see, Jericho was able to steal the TV Title that Stevie was holding for Booker thanks to The Giant. Stevie must get that belt back. ___________________ Chavo Guerrero w/Pepe(!) vs. Chris Jericho for the Television Title is right now.   - I love Pepe. Apparently, Jericho broke him a while back. Damn him.   - A commercial is in the middle, and after a very fun match, Jericho breaks Pepe again. LOL. I busted up pretty good. Chavo had the funniest look on his face. Chavo goes under the ring, and hits Jericho with a Pepe-on-a-bat for the DQ at 7:30(shown). What the hell. **1/2. Hilarious show thus far. ___________________   Mike Tenay is on commentary...Bret Hart comes down, and says he won't lose. Period. ___________________   After that, Public Enemy are going to face Disco Inferno and Alex Wright w/Tokyo Magnum.   - The latter group is the best ever. E-V-E-R. The Disco gimmick would no doubt get over today. PE's table comes in, and Tokyo takes the hit, keeping Wright from beign down for the count. Wright gives Grunge a neckbreaker, picking up the win at 3:24. Meng attacks after the match for no apparent reason at all, and gives everyone the TONGAN DEATH GRIP. Jimmy Hart sends Barbarian to the ring, and he's given a TONGAN DEATH GRIP too. So everyone is left in the ring thanks to Meng. 1/2* for the match. ___________________   Kevin Nash cuts a promo about wanting Goldberg to join the Wolfpac, and then we've got Kevin Nash vs. Curt Hennig w/Rick Rude.   - Weird matchup. Although Hennig vs. Rude would've been fun back in the day.   - Hennig's on too many steroids. He's gigantic. Rude hits the referee at around 3:15, but the bell never rings. Rude gets ready to fight Nash, and Scott Hall sneaks in to attack Nash. They kick his ass, until Lex Luger runs down and saves Nash. I like Rude's character. 1/2*. ___________________ Stevie Ray vs. Eddie Guerrero is right now.   - This should be grand. The Giant and Scott Hall are drinking (lol) in the aisleway, as these two combatants are fucking this up something fierce. Stevie poked Eddie in the eye and my cousin went OOOH! Like real loud. So, of course, I laughed. I don't know how WCW could let Eddie Guerrero get squashed by this slug, but he did, and it was finished with the SLAPJACK at 4:05. -*. Just watch the match if you don't agree with my rating. There were mistakes all over the place. ___________________ Now, in our main event, we have Bret Hart vs. Lex Luger for the United States Championship.   - I hate when wrestlers don't wear their gear. And Luger's not. This isn't a dream match, but it's still one that people would be interested in. Bret dominates the match until the 7 minute mark, at which point Luger takes control with a few clotheslines. Bret grabs a chair, but can't use it. Luger grabs a hold of it, but the referee takes it, only to have Bret push Luger into the poor little guy. Bret DDT's Luger on the chair, but the cover only got two. SHARPSHOOTER'S on, and we've got a new United States Champion as Luger passes out at 9:38. **, and the show's over. ___________________   Rating: Decent. Average show, with much hilarity. Gotta watch it.   Best Segment: Chavo vs. Jericho   Worst Segment: Stevie Ray vs. Eddie Guerrero was an embarassment to wrestling. And the stuff with the Flock was pretty bad too. ___________________   I'll review that Boston house show next.  




6/26: Wheel Of Justice Spinning On Its Axis

10 a.m.   • So is North Korea now part of the Axis of Not-So-Nice?     • Yet another ruling by the uber-conservative Supreme Court.     Actually, I have the perfect solution. Don't execute these kiddie rapists. Just toss them into a prison's general population. Everybody's happy.   • Speaking of adult/kid sex. I wondered why these "To Catch a Predator" shows weren't on anymore.     Bummer. This was the best thing on television. I think I remember NBC airing that bit with the guy killing himself. Yeah, he was innocent.   6 p.m.   • What would a kkk-led nation be like? Here you go.  




6/25: Click The Vote

11:45 p.m.   • So this gets a little chuckle out of me whenever I see it. All across America the po-lice are CRACKING DOWN on drivers not wearing their seat belts. Oh Noz~! Anyway, these stupid click it or ticket billboards have sprung up in my neck of the woods. If you don’t have one around where you live, here’s how they look.     Now the difference in this billboard from the ones in Pennsylvania is that instead of that “click it’ logo on the lower right we have some hippie state symbol and our logo. What is my commonwealth’s logo titled? “State of Independence.” Yeah, we got a mean independent streak. As long as we wear our seat belts…   …and not drive more than two miles in the left lane.   …and remove all the snow from our vehicle before driving.   …and buy your booze from a state-controlled liquor store.   Other than that, and the million other nitpicky laws on the books, we’re free to do as we please. Now I need to move the better half away from my half of the fridge we are sleeping on top of. Damn you Bush economy.   • Gee, I wonder who will be paying for air time on MTV? I bet it's McCain trying to appeal to the young'ins.     Wow, Barack Osama really is that dumb. I'm sure this network would have slobbed his knob through November for free.




Review: WCW Monday Nitro and WWF Monday Night RAW from 8/11/1997.

After Road Wild, and The Giant has been given a restraining order. Oh Lord, these angles suck. Also, we're from Denver! ___________________   The Wolfpac come out, talk about the Steiners, and then, The Outsiders take on two jobbers.   - The Steiners music hit, which introduced the Outsiders opponents. How cute. Nash jackknifes the one with red hair for the win at 1:28. 1/4*. Lame. Steiners run through the crowd and beat the Wolfpac up. Good! ___________________   Meng is taking on Wrath w/James Vandenberg...   - They meet in the aisle, and Meng beats him up on the inside. Haku vs. Adam Bomb is the stuff of dreams. Meng applies the TONGAN DEATH GRIP, which gets THE WIN at 2:40. So, Wrath's first TV loss is to a lower midcard guy in less than three minutes. That makes a lot of sense. *. Mortis and Barbarian run down to beat each other up. ___________________   The Steiners and Ted DiBiase are with Gene Okerlund, for an interview. They say that the Outsiders were lucky to have had such an incompetent official for their match at Road Wild. ___________________   Eddie Guerrero faces Chris Jericho here...   - One of many matches soon to take place between these two. After Jericho german's Eddie on his head, he gives Eddie a GIANT SWING. Eddie crotches Jericho on the top rope, and FROG SPLASHES him from all the way across the ring. All over at 4:33. **1/4. Entertaining. ___________________   Alex Wright invades during a Nitro Girl performance, then cuts a promo about how bad these fans are. ___________________ Now we've got Dean Malenko against Jeff Jarrett w/Debra for the US Title.   - Road Wild explains this matchup. Read the results. Jarrett wanted to leave the area, but an appearance from Mongo brought him back to the ring. Some WarGames hype follows from our commentary crew, and then Dean applies the TEXAS CLOVERLEAF. Eddie Guerrero runs in, and along with Jarrett, beats Dean up for the DQ at 4:13 (shown). *1/2. Mongo hits all the heels, and Dean beats up Mongo when he comes to. Weird. ___________________   Mean Gene is with Curt Hennig and Ric Flair...then the other Four Horsemen come out, and they talk about Hennig's match against Savage later tonight, and the Clash XXXV tag between Hennig & Flair who are facing Konnan and Syxx. ___________________   Hour #2 begins, with Scott Norton and Eric Bischoff coming down to the ring. The Giant was supposed to face Norton, but this whole restraining order thing got in the way. Other NWO guys came out and sung happy birthday to Hogan...so, the guy wins the World Title on the previous night and doesn't come to TV the next day. That makes a ton of sense. Buff Bagwell spraypaints the fifty feet line, and the Giant comes out to cross it. WHOA. Larry Z comes out to bring him back, and Scott Hall toothpicks Larry. They nearly fight. All done! ___________________   Lex Luger calls out Hulk Hogan, and then, we have Buff Bagwell w/Vincent vs. DDP.   - Strange matchup. Not very entertaining, although competitive. DIAMOND CUTTER finishes at 4:09 after Vincent botches interference. *. ___________________   On the Road... ___________________   We've got Mortis w/James Vandenberg vs. Ultimo Dragon for the Television Title...   - Now THIS is a strange matchup. Dragon powerbombs Mortis from the second rope and locks in the DRAGON SLEEPER for the submission at 3:09. *3/4. I do not understand why Mortis and Wrath have been jobbed out tonight. ___________________   JJ Dillon wants Sting back, Sting comes to the ring, and Dillon offers him a contract to face Syxx. Syxx? That's a step down from last week, when Dillon asked him to face Curt Hennig. Sting rips the contract up and leaves. ___________________ In our main event, we have Curt Hennig vs. Randy Savage w/Liz.   - All I can think about while watching this is, if only this had happened 9 years earlier. Page runs down for the no contest at 3:05, and he gets beaten up by Hall and Savage. Elbowdrops galore, as Hennig has been tossed out. Luger runs down, and we have our Clash XXXV main event. Easy as that. 1/2*, end show. ___________________   Rating is poor, didn't care for this at all. Best segment was Eddie/Jericho, worst was Savage/Hennig. Cause it was disappointing, you know? ___________________   RAW this week is from Biloxi, Mississippi. ___________________   Shawn Michaels is out, talking about SummerSlam and such, before the crowd chants that he's gay. "Why don't you ask your mom and sister how gay I am?" Slaughter comes out, spits in Shawn's face, and tells him to face Mankind. Okay. HBK talks about his insurance policy... ___________________ The British Bulldog and Owen Hart are out, to watch Hawk face Henry Godwinn in a Country Whippin' Match.   - To win, you must toss your opponent out of the ring. Both guys have straps, but they are not attached to each other. Owen and Bulldog both challenge the Patriot during commentary...   - Both men's partners run in, and Henry gets knocked out by Animal at 3:48, so Hawk wins. 1/2*. ___________________   Slaughter tosses Pillman his ring gear, as a guy named Tony Williams faces Scott Putski.   - Goldust comes out to watch, because he's going to show us a split-screen view of Pillman putting on his dress. Oh Lord. Pillman's really distraught about this whole situation, and he can't even get the dress on. Polish Hammer wins, I had to open the front door so I don't have the etime. Anyway, Slaughter makes Goldust leave after the match. *. ___________________   Taker's going to watch Shawn Michaels vs. Mankind later. Okay.   Flash Funk is facing Brian Pillman.   - Nice dress! Vince and the crew hype Hardcore Heaven 1997 a bit, then Slaugher says that Bulldog and Owen will face the Patriot and a partner of his choosing. All these fucking cameos during matches are pissing me off. Ridiculous. Goldust comes out, and shows us the footage of Pillman putting on his dress. Funk cradles Pillman from behind for the win at 3:16. *1/4. ___________________   Dude Love comes out, for an interview. It's pretty funny. He talks about the damage Mankind will do to Shawn Michaels, until Shawn Michaels appears on the TitanTron and rebutts these statements. ___________________ Warzone begins, with Owen Hart and the British Bulldog facing the Patriot and his mystery partner...KEN SHAMROCK!   - With Shamrock being the partner, Bulldog is quite terrified. After a commercial, we come back, and Bret Hart is on the walkway. Patriot makes the hot tag, and cleans house. Slaughter keeps Bret from walking down the ramp, and the referee is distracted as well. A chair comes in, the Hart Foundation can't use it, but Patriot full-nelson slams Bulldog onto the chair for the win at 8:06. **. ___________________   Shawn's with his insurance policy...but you can't see his face.   During a Patriot interview, Bret attacks the Patriot. Of course, he kicks his ass. Obviously. ___________________ Faarooq is scheduled to face Chainz...   - This will suck. Chainz clotheslines Faarooq into the referee on accident, and...Rocky Maivia(?) runs into the ring. ROCK BOTTOM on Chainz(!), and Faarooq pins him for the win at 3:04. What a surprise. 1/2*. I like it! ___________________   Sable's supposed to be the ring announcer for this next match, but Patriot comes to the ring and calls out Bret Hart. Bret Hart comes, and they fight. When the Hart Foundation come down, they really kick the Patriot's ass. Nobody runs in either. ___________________   Mankind tells Shawn Michaels that his insurance policy had better be life insurance...   and after a Brakus vignette, we have ___________________   Shawn Michaels vs. Mankind in our main event.   - Mankind brought a trash can. Unfortunately, Shawn put it on Mankind and the trash back stayed on the big lug. All covered up! This is a huge brawl, featuring lots of weird shit. Mick gets backdropped onto the announce table, and then for some reason, Shawn flies off the apron with an elbowdrop onto the announce table. These two have good chemistry. After Shawn rans Mankind's head into the post and back suplexes him onto the announce table, HHH and Chyna make their way out, as we head to a commercial.   - We're back, and Mankind's mask has been ripped off. RICK RUDE(!) walks down to the ring, stands there for a moment, and then grabs a chair. He clocks Mick in the head with it, and SWEET CHIN MUSIC leads to the pinfall victory at 8:42. ***1/2 for an outstanding TV match. Undertaker heads down to the ring, but Paul Bearer shows up on the TitanTron. KANE IS COMING. You will BURN IN HELL!   So yeah, show over. ___________________   Raw was good this time around, best segment was HBK/Mankind and the worst was Putski/Williams, in which we had to watch Pillman get dressed. Ugh.   Way better than Nitro. ___________________   REVIEW WCW THUNDER       Yeah, I'm reviewing that next.  




6/24: Time To Bail(out) On Queer Ads

9 p.m.   • So does this make you want to buy a white, gooey substance in a jar?     OMG the Big Gay lobby is shoving their immoral agenda down our throats (ew, another set of words I should not have strung together).     Oh, I get it. Mom’s a New York deli guy because her sandwiches taste like they’re from the Big Apple with Heinz’s super mayo stuff. I get the joke. It’s just not that funny (what’s funnier is the queer group telling its people to boycott Heinz products; the O'Reilly reference made me laugh, too). Besides, I’m a Miracle Whip man myself.   For my gay humor, I would rather wake up with the King.     • Oh boy. Time to bail out the irresponsible and reckless who should have never received loans in the first place!     And don’t give me this, “But rich people get bailed out, too.” I know that. Fuck them, too.   • You know what? I think I’d rather have the seven-year-old out on the road than his grandma.  




Songs I never want to hear in bars again

I frequent bars. Who doesn't? That out of the way, here is a list of songs I don't want to hear in a bar ever again, and why.   Bon Jovi-"Livin' On a Prayer" and "Bad Medicine"-There is nothing worse than coming into a bar and hearing a bunch of drunk fratboy's warbling Bon Jovi off key. These songs are the worst offenders, and need to be put to sleep in bars. Metallica-"Enter Sandman"-It's done to death people-we get it, you like to sing along to it after a long day, and then get high fives from your best pals. Also, what is up with tough guys singing along to "Nothing Else Matters" and getting all weepy. That song has the power to turn these guys into pussies in no time. Anything from Kid Rock-Really, just stop playing anything from him. Don't you ever wonder if the DJ, or if you frequent strip clubs (I don't-sorry) the strippers hate having to hear this, or at least get tired of it? Just stop playing this guy for the love of God. Garth Brooks-"Low Places"-It's like the ultimate drunk redneck asshole anthem. It's cancer to the ears. I'm from Southern Ohio, and if there is any modern country anthem that needs to be retired the most, it's this one. Fergie-"Fergilicious"-This has replaced "All I Wanna Do" and the works of Alanis Morrisete as the anthem from obnoxious FUPA and Gunt fat girls going crazy anthem. Anything from Jimmy Buffet-Along with The Eagles and John Mellancamp, nothing fills me with more rage than the works of Jimmy Buffet. Cartman was right about him BTW. Bob Seger-Turn the Page-It gets even worse if it's karaoke night. Actually, never go to a bar-ANY BAR-during karaoke night. AC/DC-"Highway to Hell," "Back in Black," and "Shook me All Night Long"-I like thse songs, but bars have ruined them for me some. Def Leppard-"Pour Some Sugar on Me"-Actually, girls dance really slutty when this plays, so keep playing it. So instead, let's go with... Poison-"Every Rose has it's Thorn"-There, much better. Anything from Sheryl Crow-Fat chicks with Jeff Hardy T-Shirts love singing along to her. It's as awful as you might think. Those are my pics. Feel free to add your own.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


6/23: George Carlin Is God -- Wait, God Is Black

7:30 p.m.   • So George Carlin died. The room is spinning blahblahblah. Eh, I was never a huge fan of his but for someone who did what he did for so long and was so successful at it you got to give him props. One bit I always liked was his baseball/football comparisons. I also liked his word-play.     In baseball, you make an error .... whoops!   • All you really need to do is get in a vehicle and blast the hell out of opposing Jedi. And not once have I ever said to Vader "OWNED~!"     It's weird because I go through phases over which Battlefront I play for the PS2: The first or second. The second is faster but there's a charm about the original that I can't get away from. Oh, and goddamn does the Republic army suck.   • I guess after looking at God's mugshot we can conclude without a doubt that his son, Jesus, must be black.       • Here's the latest on my out-of-control niece-in-law. Mrs. kkk told me that her boyfriend/likely baby's daddy allegedly videotaped himself having sex with an under-age girl. He also videotaped himself having sex with the niece-in-law while she was passed out drunk. God help me if I should ever view this clip while surfing the Net because I know it's out there. I will say that should this fornication ever appear on my computer screen I’ll swear off viewing on-line porn ever again be sure to post a link here.




Draftback: 1997 NBA Draft

My blog is still not dead...getting closer though. But I remembered the NBA Draft was this week so I can get another Draftback entry in. With the NBA Draft I take different approach as I rank the players using the basketball version of Win Shares. I don't know how reliable the statistic is, and I don't quite agree with all the rankings, but at least it's an objective way to compare these player's careers at this point.     1997 NBA Draft per Career Win Shares   1. Tim Duncan, San Antonio - 399 Career Win Shares (1st Pick) 2. Chauncey Billups, Boston - 252 (3rd) 3. Tracy McGrady, Toronto - 246 (9th) 4. Antonio Daniels, Vancouver - 131 (4th) 5. Derek Anderson, Cleveland - 120 (13th) 6. Keith Van Horn, Philadelphia (traded to New Jersey) - 115 (2nd)   7t. Tim Thomas, New Jersey (traded to Philadelphia) - 94 (7th) 7t. Bobby Jackson, Seattle (traded to Denver) - 94 (23rd) 9. Tony Battie, Denver - 91 (5th) 10t. Kelvin Cato, Dallas (traded to Portland) - 83 (15th) 10t. Brevin Knight, Cleveland - 83 (16th) 12. Austin Croshere, Indiana - 81 (12th)   13. Stephen Jackson, Phoenix - 79 (42nd) 14. Scott Pollard, Detroit - 78 (19th) 15. Alvin Williams, Portland - 61 (48th) 16t. Adonal Foyle, Golden State - 60 (8th) 16t. Anthony Johnson, Sacramento - 60 (39th) 18. Danny Fortson, Milwaukee (traded to Denver) - 57 (10th)   19. Mark Blount, Seattle - 56 (54th) 20. Jacque Vaughn, Utah - 51 (27th) 21. Marc Jackson, Golden State - 38 (37th) 22t. Maurice Taylor, L.A. Clippers - 37 (14th) 22t. Anthony Parker, New Jersey (traded to Philadelphia) - 37 (21st) 24. Ron Mercer, Boston - 33 (6th)   25. Cedric Henderson, Cleveland - 21 (44th) 26. Chris Crawford, Atlanta - 19 (50th) 27. Tariq Abdul-Wahad, Sacramento - 17 (11th) 28. Predrag Drobnjak, Washington - 15 (48th) 29. John Thomas, New York - 9 (25th) 30t. Chris Anstey, Portland (traded to Dallas) - 7 (19th)   30t. Charles Smith, Miami - 7 (26th) 32. Ed Gray, Atlanta - 3 (22nd) 33t. Rodrick Rhodes, Houston - 2 (24th) 33t. Keith Booth, Chicago - 2 (28th) 33t. Charles O'Bannon, Detroit - 2 (31st) 33t. Jerald Honeycutt, Milwaukee - 2 (38th)   33t. DeJuan Wheat, L.A. Lakers - 2 (51st) 38t. Johnny Taylor, Orlando - 1 (17th) 38t. Marko Milic, Philadelphia - 1 (33rd) 38t. Bubba Wells, Dallas - 1 (34th) 38t. Kebu Stewart, Philadelphia (35th) 38t. Jason Lawson, Denver - 1 (41st)   38t. Eric Washington, Orlando - 1 (46th)   The Zero Club   Paul Grant, Minnesota (20th) James Cotton, Denver (32nd) James Collins, Philadelphia (36th) God Shammgod, Washington (45th)   Never Played in the NBA   Serge Zwikker, Houston (29th) Mark Sanford, Miami (30th) Eddie Elisma, Seattle (40th) Gordon Malone, Minnesota (43rd) Alain Digbeu, Atlanta (49th) C.J. Bruton, Vancouver (52nd) Paul Rogers, L.A. Lakers (53rd) Ben Pepper, Boston (55th) Nate Erdmann, Utah (56th) Roberto Duenas, Chicago (57th)   Most Win Shares with Team they were Drafted by   1. Tim Duncan, 399 2. Austin Croshere, 74 3. Keith Van Horn, 60 (draft day trade) 4. Adonal Foyle, 56 5. Brevin Knight, 37 6. Tracy McGrady, 36 7. Cedric Henderson, 21 8. Derek Anderson, 20 9. Chris Crawford, 19 10. Ron Mercer, 15




6/22: Is There An NBA Draft In Here? (Part II)

11:30 a.m.   • So last week I picked my Top 5 in Cena's NBA all time draft event over in the Sports folder. Don’t know what I’m doing? Peep this.   Red Auerbach is off the board. I really haven’t thought of a coach yet, but since chemistry is such a factor Rudy Tomjanovich might be a good pick. However, that’s a few rounds down the road. I have a few ideas about my first few bench players. I will probably go more for a guard because my Power Forward can also play Center if need be. We’ll wait and see. There goes Michael Cooper. There goes Mark Price. There goes Mitch Richmond. There goes T-Mac.   Round 6: Jeff Hornacek   I had about a half-dozen guards from the last 10-15 years that I’m considering. Several I don’t think will be around much longer (Jeff Hornacek, Mookie Blaylock) while there are others I think I can get in a later round (Alvin Robertson, Jeff Malone). There are a few others, but I’ll mention them once they get picked. I went with Hornacek first because I was surprised of his high steal average. He was as better scorerer than Mookie and was a terrific free throw shooter.   Gert picked Wade. I like Wade, but he’s still too young for something like this. Oakley. I liked him, too. I didn’t think he’d be around much longer. Shit. Alvin went before Mookie. I was going to take Mookie first. David Thompsoin. I forgot about him. Wait a minute -- isn’t he the one with all those kids who hate him? There is Ralph Sampson. I was curious to see where he would fall. Daugherty was on my short list for big men. There goes Mookie.   Round 7: Bill Laimbeer   I was hoping for a defensive guard like Mookie and Alvin but they are taken. I guess now I should look for a defensive forward. I have two from my generation: Bill Laimbeer and Horace Grant. Oh man this is tough. I have yet to look at stats but I’m sure Grant is the better of the two. Wow, Bill has a higher average per game in points and rebounds. YES!!!! I get my all-time favorite player and an absolute asshole on the court. He also has a good free throw percentage so the Hack-a-Shaq strategy won’t work here.   And Horace gets picked with the next selection. It’s hard to go wrong with him. I forgot all about Drazen Petrovic, but I remember when the Nets were on a station in my market (WWOR?) and I watched quite a bit of him. Great shooter, although I have another scoring guard in mind. And Bill got taken a few picks later.   Round 8: Dolph Schayes   I was thinking of going another way with this pick, but he was still around so I had to take him. Along with being one of those “all 50 year” people, his size could put him in the small forward spot and relive Alex English when I need some more rebounding, which he has plenty of experience dong.   Gert took Fat Lever. Nice pick. I actually thought of him when making my list of Point Guards, but because I already took Alex English I didn’t want to take tandems in this event. Besides, with Fat and English, Denver didn’t really do much in the 1980s other than score a whole bunch. Bill Sharman was taken. I was wondering if someone was going to get him. Hell, I would have selected him with my next pick if he was still around. I thought about Chambers but I didn’t’ feel he’d fit in chemistry-wise. Smits was another good selection; it’s a shame the guy was hurt a lot of times. SHIT~! I was scrolling down too fast and looked at Gert’s pick before making mine. I was thinking Rudy Tomjanovich as my coach, but I didn’t think he’d get picked for another round or two. Because Gert took him and I saw he was selected before making my choice he’s off the boards for me.   Round 9: Paul Arzin   Uh, oh. There are no more Top 50 of all time players. Now who am I going to pick? Wikipedia says he’s a 6’4” forward. Now that’s a SMALL forward. I just realized that my four bench players are all white. I’m liking this team more and more.   Camby was a good selection, along with Strickland although Rod was at the bottom of my short list for guards. Drat. Mark Jackson was at the top of that same list.   Round 10: Terry Cummings   I remember this guy from the early 1990s with the Spurs, but his stats really shined in the 1980s with the Bucks. This shores up my forward reserves. I was thinking about going for a much-needed backup point guard, but I couldn’t pass Cummings up.   Gert went with Jermaine O'Neal, who I considered at one point but decided against it due to chemistry reasons. Much like Petrovic, I remember Kevin Willis when the Hawks were always on TBS (or was it TNT?). Kirilenko was another Jermaine O’Neal situation for me, although he hasn’t been around as long as I would have liked him to be. I was thinking of taking Bowen just to pair him up with Laimbeer. Michael Finely was taken, which makes my one upcoming selection easier – provided he’s still around. Majerle was one of those I was thinking about but could never pull the trigger.   Round 11: Doc Rivers   I was torn between him and Mike Bibby, but I went with Rivers although I give the edge to Bibby. The reason I went with Rivers is because I’m considering Doug Christie for a later pick. If I go with Bibby, I probably wouldn’t select Christie due to them having played together for a time.   LOL – Gert went with Paul Arzin and mentioned his stint with the Marines. I might as well just pick a coach in the last round considering I think most everyone else took one already. Shareef Abdur-Rahim – like that terrorist will be getting a spot on my bench. I didn’t think of PJ Brown, drat.   Round 12: Doug Christie   Yeah, I know it’s dumb to impose this rule on myself, but what’s the point of doing an “all-time” draft if you’re going to pick players that were teammates for a while?   Reggie Theus – forgot about him. World B. Free is another great pick.   Round 13: John Kundla   Well, with who I selected I don’t need someone to do much coaching. My first pick of Rudy T. was already taken, so after doing some research, I figure this guy will do. He’s a hall of famer, won 5 titles in 6 years and knows what to do with big men (he had George Mikan on his team).   So there we go. I’ll do a recap of my picks in a future entry.




6/21: Going Dutch On TV

8 a.m.   • So here are some updates to my super-wonder family.   A while back the out-of-control niece-in-law got knocked up. While she’s “seeing” someone this has all the makings of “Who’s the baby’s daddy” episodes you see on Maury Povich’s show. Now the niece is taking a page out of her crack mother’s book and applying for HUD, food stamps, etc. And this is why whenever I hear a Democrat or some “social activist” bitch about how we aren’t spending enough on the poor I want to take a brick to the side of their skull. But why am I talking about this particular welfare leech? Well earlier this week the better half told me she was going to start working Saturdays at a local pizza place she’s worked off-and-on for the past 16 years. Why was she going back one day a week?   Was it because she wanted us to put away even more money away due to the BUSH ECONOMY? No.   Did she want to pay off her student loans quicker? Not quite.   Could she be trying to save up for a big-screen television for her favorite husband? Don’t think so.   What was the reason? Mrs. kkk, along with her mother, were going to spring for a BABY SHOWER for the niece. Her reasoning: “Well you wouldn’t want to spend any money for this.” My reply: “You’re right.”   4u0frfjivpoj[wryhnworiutmkljkmiudiurtkldmkluoiu[hoifjjnfklsdaufoid[sufadjnmkl   Sorry, that was me banging my head on the keyboard. Actually, I don’t care what the better half does with her time. I told her my opinion of the whole situation and that was that. Oh, here was another reason she gave: “I want to give the kid a chance.” So buying a stroller and box of diapers will be that edge which will give this spawn the chance he/she needs? Good God. I then said to Mrs. kkk that the niece-in-law will now be coming back to her every time she wants something. After all, this is the really cool aunt that sprang for my baby shower. Just five years ago when the niece was 15 she went to live with the better half’s mother because the niece’s mother was/is a crack-whore. What did the niece do during this time? Not a goddamn thing except bitch about having to live in such a draconian house with rules like “no staying out after 2 a.m.” After three hours of saying how she couldn’t wait until she turned 18 and was “free,” she proceeded to stay at this same death camp and drunk/inject/screw her life away.   Now instead of completely disconnecting from this cancer, Mrs. kkk is about to open up an avenue where the stupidity of her niece’s future life decisions will also take an emotional toll on the better half. I told the her months ago when we learned of this impregnation that I want nothing to do with this branch of the family tree, and I guess it’s a good thing that she didn’t try to guilt me into spending money we already have on this baby shower.   Oh, but this isn’t the only white-trash loser I have an update on.   Remember my favorite welfare brood? Well it turns out the matriarch is knocked up again. Now you may think, “Well poor people always have kids – they can’t afford to go anywhere so all they can do is stay home and breed.” This isn’t one of those cases. The husband, who’s at least 20 years older than the wife, is sterile after having a half-dozen or so kids from previous relationships. (I think that is God’s way of saying “you reeled in your limit.”) But that’s not stopping the wife from reproducing. She BUYS SPERM and has it SHIPPED TO HER HOUSE. The then TAKES AN EYEDROPPER and KNOCKS HERSELF UP. (Previously I thought she went to a clinic. I didn't know she did it herself at home. Then again, that explains why her second kid's head is shaped like a Hershey's kiss, still cannot talk after several years and just started taking Ritalin.) Well now she’s got Bun Number Three in the oven. Have I mentioned lately how much I loathe these people? You don’t understand, I have a burning hatred for this clan.   Here are some “highlights” from blog entries past:   December 27, 2006: The family newsletter, where we learn that the husband will be soon working FULL-TIME as a janitor.   January 4, 2007: Those damn bill collectors.   April 18, 2007: Damn housing market getting ruined by the BUSH ECONOMY.   July 7, 2007: Because it deserves repeating.     July 31: 2007: We liked the visit to your neighborhood so much we want to live there. Besides, your school is better and we didn't realize that if we are going to send our kids to government school that maybe we should have looked at what district our current house resides at.   September 17, 2007: Rose-petal bubble bath -- the perfect gift for dad on his 57th birthday.   I almost forgot. The crack-whore sister-in-law (mother to the niece-in-law mentioned above) just had all her Rent-A-Center merchandise taken out of her trailer. I think she's getting the boot from said trailer park, too. The funny thing is that she collects disability but yet has just about all her utilities/phone shut off. So even when you give these welfare bums MONEY for BILLS they still can't manage their lives. But yet we still don't spend enough money on our disadvantaged.   5 p.m.   • So I've had the Euro game between the Netherlands and commies and I was about to make some smart-ass remark about the cameramen only showing crowd shots of attractive Dutch women. Then they showed several shots of shirtless Russian males. Uh, guys. I wasn't saying NOT to show the women of Holland.




Review: WWF King of the Ring 1994, 6/16/1994; from Baltimore, Maryland.

It took me a while to watch this, but I finally did. I had to make time. ___________________   After our National Anthem and introduction of our commentary team (including Art Donovan!), we have Razor Ramon taking on Bam Bam Bigelow in a King of the Ring Quarterfinal Bout.   - Nearly forgot, Bam Bam's accompanied by his MAIN SQUEEZE, Luna Vachon. Like the matchup.   - Razor toothpicked Luna, which allowed Bam Bam to attack. Back and forth stuff, until a Bam Bam resthold, which is a TORTURE RACK. Seriously. Bam Bam goes to the top after some nice moves, but Razor schoolboy's him from the top rope for the victory at 8:25.   Crowd's happy, but the match was nothing special at all. While I liked the matchup, the match itself wasn't so good in execution. Glad we didn't see more from these two, and if we did on television, I haven't seen it. *3/4. ___________________   Todd Pettingill is with Mabel and IRS, and Irwin cuts a bad promo. He does that quite a bit. Mabel's, however, is okay. ___________________ IRS vs. Mabel w/Oscar is obviously our next Quarterfinal Match.   - Oscar raps. That's about it. IRS walks out with no music, and talks about the tax cheats that are populating our crowd tonight.   - I hate Mabel, btw. I hate Art Donovan too. That said, this match could be much worse. Mabel goes up to the second rope, but IRS shakes the ropes, knocking him down. IRS pins Mabel, for the victory at 5:39.   While saying it could be much worse, it's still bad. Bad enough to slap a 1/2* on it and do my best to forget the whole thing. THE WHOLE THING. ___________________   While Stan Lane does an interview with Lex Luger, we watch the video that led to Lex Luger not being able to make the King of the Ring proceedings tonight, as he lost to Jeff Jarrett. Crush attacked. ___________________   Tatanka is facing Owen Hart in our third King of the Ring Quarterfinal Match...   - All that pink. Nice to see Owen. My cousin thinks that Tatanka will win, btw.   - Razor and IRS were fighting in the back, as Owen and Tatanka went to a chinlock. Good timing! Tatanka tries a sunset flip during his comeback, but Owen sits on him for the three count at 8:20.   Quite good. Better than I remembered as well. Tatanka's no **** guy, but he could work back in the day. Which was good, I mean, with that gimmick and all. **3/4. ___________________   Todd Pettingill is with Shawn Michaels and Diesel, interviewing them before Diesel's big match later on. We flashback to their attack on Bret Hart during RAW a few weeks ago, as well. ___________________   In our last King of the Ring Quarterfinal Match, we have Jeff Jarrett vs. The 1-2-3 Kid.   - Jarrett's ring attire is always really homosexual. The way Art Donovan asks about everyone is super annoying. Is it too much to ask that the guest commentator be educated about the product?   - Jarrett gives Kid a SLINGSHOT SUPLEX...awesome. If I was a wrestler, some variation of that would be my finisher. Kid pushed Jarrett off the top and crossbodied him for two, I haven't watched this in a while, but I was sure it was over. Jarrett tries a FIGURE-FOUR, but Kid cradles him for the win at 4:39. Jarrett attacks after the match...ONE PILEDRIVER. TWO PILEDRIVER. THREE PILEDRIVER. I believe the 1-2-3 Kid has died.   **1/2, post-match attack included. How could anyone not like that beatdown. I'll reference this beatdown later. ___________________   A video for the New Generation shows up (also to be referenced later), and then, Bret Hart cuts a promo. Obviously, for the next match. ___________________   Champion vs. Champion, Diesel (Intercontinental Champion) w/Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart w/Jim Neidhart for the World Wrestling Federation Championship.   - Bret's new theme debuts. Description of this match and others in the future that I find to be needing it will be more detailed. We'll see if Diesel carries his share of the load. After Diesel missed a charge and his knee rammed into the ringpost, Bret went to work. Really went to work. Shawn clotheslines Bret with the referees back turned, ending that. So Neidhart gives chase, but he can't catch Shawn.   - Diesel botches a bearhug, and winds up in Bret's guard on the canvas. OOPS, wrong form of entertainment. Bret misses a pescado, as the ten minute mark passes...   - Constant double teams on Bret follow, and with the referee distracted, Shawn loosens a turnbuckle pad. I suppose Diesel has carried his share of the load. Bret rams Diesel into the exposed turnbuckle, and applies the SHARPSHOOTER. Shawn's going nuts on the outside, and when Diesel gets out of the hold, he can't even do an Irish whip. That blown up. Bret gives Diesel a ROLLING BOSTON CRAB when Diesel stands over him, but Diesel makes the ropes. Diesel hits Neidhart and Shawn clocks Bret with a title belt, then Diesel elbowdrops Bret, for two. Neidhart runs in, and clotheslines Diesel after a JACKKNIFE on Bret, leading to a DQ win for Diesel at 22:51. Then Neidhart leaves, and Shawn piledrives Bret, leading to officials making their entry and forcing the heels to the back.   Epic carryjob from Bret here. No doubt Nash's best match to that point. ***1/2, even though he was blown up near the end. ___________________   After Pettingill interviews Jerry Lawler, we have Razor Ramon vs. IRS in our first King of the Ring Semifinal Match.   - IRS cuts an awful promo, one the likes of which cannot even be repeated in seriousness. Geez, keep the guy away from the mic. One good thing about this, it's the end of Razor and IRS' little vendetta. Razor dominates a boring contest, and finishes with THE EDGE at 5:13.   *. Not bery fun. ___________________ Todd Pettingill was supposed to interview the 1-2-3 Kid, but he didn't show up for the interview. HOWEVER, he made it to the ring for his King of the Ring Semifinal Match against Owen Hart.   - Owen gave Kid a baseball slide to start, which hurt Kid's neck even more. Then both guys go to war. Could you imagine if this match had gone, say, 12-15 minutes? Owen powerbombs Kid on a Kid rana attempt, and Owen locks in the SHARPSHOOTER. Kid gives at 3:38.   Wow, what a short little match. *** easy. Felt like WCW Nitro with the bumps and overall shortness. ___________________   Stan Lane and Ted DiBiase are talking during a 900 line thing, then we have Yokozuna and Crush w/Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette vs. The Headshrinkers w/Captain Lou Albano and Afa for the WWF Tag Team Titles.   - Fatworld. Would it have been so hard to have the Steiners hold the belts longer or more often? Seriously, after the Bret/Owen breakup, have the Quebecers drop the belts. Not some bullshit with Men on a Mission. Not interested in this match, but I like this version of Crush much better. He's a tough dude.   - Lex Luger ran down and distracted Crush, but it didn't lead to a Headshrinker victory. Close though. Fatu superkicks Crush, and that does get the win at 9:34. Luger and Crush fight, and the Headshrinkers come in to help Luger get the best of it. Yay!   Who cares, really, just a throwaway matchup involving a makeshift team and a pile of shit team. *1/2. Meaningless. ___________________   Todd Pettingill interviews Owen Hart before his match with Razor Ramon, in the King of the Ring Final. Nothing important was said.   - I like Razor's back suplex off the top. Owen backdrops him out on a RAZOR'S EDGE attempt, and the Anvil comes down to clothesline Razor. Uh...   - Owen comes off the top with a big elbowdrop, getting the pinfall win at 6:36.   Sizeable babyface reaction, not that I blame anyone. Owen was always very likeable, even during this phase. **1/4. ___________________   While they're putting the boots to Razor, Raymond Rougeau is with Bret Hart, who doesn't really care about Owen's King of the Ring victory.   Coronation. Owen makes Todd Pettingill get on his knees, and then proclaims himself to be the KING OF HARTS! ___________________   Finally, our main event, which exemplifies our NEW GENERATION. Jerry Lawler vs. Roddy Piper.   - Lawler talked trash, before Piper's bagpipe entrance. Lawler humiliated some kid on RAW, and Piper brings the kid with him to the ring. Piper came to kick ass, he says.   - This isn't as bad as I thought it would be. When I watched this show the first time around, I used my fast-forward button. A piledriver occurs, which has lost its impact after the four times it's been used earlier. Lawler has brass knuckles, hits Piper, as the referee is out. The kid keeps Lawler from getting the win, and Piper back suplexes Lawler for the win at 12:16.   Thank God that's over. A DUD for sure. Of course, I'm trying to be nice. That match was awful. ___________________   Rating: Poor. A very poor outing from the WWF. Owen winning KotR is choice. The rest, blah.   Best Segment: Bret vs. Diesel. Strange with the Anvil and all.   Worst: Lawler vs. Piper. Duh. ___________________   I'll review RAW and Nitro sometime soon.  




6/18: KKK-hristmas In June, And In Da Hood

8:30 p.m.   • So whenever I play Madden I turn off the game’s volume and play a music channel or two from Comcast’s lineup. Generally I keep the station on the Arena Rock selection, although after a while I switch to something else. However, there are a few stations that aren’t permanent and are shown every other day or so. One of those stations features OLD SCHOOL RAP. Oh do I wish this was a permanent selection. And it’s just not “old school” from the late 1990s – this goes back to the early- to mid-1980s with Doug E. Fresh, the Treacherous Three and people I’ve never heard of before. I then heard a movie line from “Full Metal Jacket,” which can only mean 2 Live Crew’s “Me so horny” was about to get aired.   …   A while back I made a remark about explicit songs and some of the funnier re-worked lines. Here’s another one.     If you don’t know the original lyrics, Google is your friend.   • After finding a few Eazy-E videos on YouTube, I stumbled across this.     Oh man. The 5150 album. There are only a few CDs I have ever gotten rid of, and this was one of those cases. I don’t remember what I got in return for this but I know that I got the better end of this deal. And the person I traded with HEARD this album before the swap.   OK, I need to cleanse the pallet after that last video. Here we go.  




Wrestling Draft: My Top 64 Prospects

Over in the General Wrestling forum, there is a draft going on to select all-time rosters of wrestlers. I missed out on this, but it provides an opportunity to do a little list creation in my spare time. I created a list of my ideal top 64 picks. When selecting a wrestler, I feel you need to look for uncommon attributes, something to stand out from the crowd. Mid-carders are crucial to a good promotion, but you can find many, many guys at that level. Also, I think a wrestler needs some ability to succeed in today's environment. Gorgeous George was extremely popular as a heel for a time, but he was a limited attraction and today the novelty would be gone. I don't think he would be a top draw today. Let's see how my 64 stands up against the actual draft. I will divide this into four sections.   1. Wrestlers both in my top 64 and the draft top 64. 2. Wrestlers in my top 64 who just missed (first 100 picks). 3. Whiffs, Guys in my top 64 who went beyond the 100th pick. 4. Undrafted wrestlers.   I did not rank my list, so it is simply a list of 64 wrestlers/teams.   1. Wrestlers both in my top 64 and the draft top 64.   Since there is a consensus, there should be no need to comment on these names individually.   1. Bret Hart 2. Hulk Hogan 3. The Rock 4. Ric Flair 5. Steve Austin 6. Randy Savage 7. Andre the Giant 8. Shawn Michaels 10. John Cena 11. Triple H 12. Sting 13. The Undertaker 14. Brock Lesnar 15. Mick Foley 16. Kurt Angle 17. Roddy Piper 18. Bill Goldberg 19. Vader 20. Terry Funk 21. Eddie Guerrero 22. Chris Jericho 23. Ricky Steamboat 27. Steiner Brothers 30. Harley Race 31. Ultimate Warrior 33. Kerry Von Erich 34. Dusty Rhodes 35. Curt Hennig 38. The Road Warriors 40. Superstar Billy Graham 44. Bruno Sammartino 45. Jake Roberts 50. Stan Hansen 51. The Great Muta 52. Jack Brisco 54. Bruiser Brody 56. Terry Gordy/Miracle Violence Connection (I had him as part of the Freebirds) 61. Barry Windham 64. Magnum T.A.   2. Wrestlers in my top 64 who just missed (first 100 picks).   65. Jimmy Snuka 67. Rey Mysterio 68. Sid Vicious (as a member of the Skyscrapers) 69. The Big Show 70. Jerry Lawler 72. Sgt. Slaughter 89. Lex Luger 100. Yokozuna   Great picks here, a few main eventers, a couple of solid workers (Sgt. Slaughter is underrated). Chalk this up to slight differences of opinion, perhaps some crowding with posters preferring Japanese workers.   3. Whiffs, Guys in my top 64 who went beyond the 100th pick.   Now we get to the portion where drafters are simply missing the boat on great talent, underrating guys who could carry a promotion, or make a significant contribution. Kudos to those who took the bait and made a wise choice on a late round pick.   101. Junkyard Dog - For a time, one of the most popular wrestlers in the country. 102. Nikita Koloff 104. Nick Bockwinkel - A wrestler with Bockwinkel's cockiness and interview style would no doubt make a top heel today. I could easily see him paired up against John Cena. 110. Trish Stratus - Possibly the greatest female wrestler in U.S. history, incredibly beautiful. Capable of filling a variety of roles. 117. Sabu - Unique style, still unmatched in wrestling. A genuine sensation in the 1990s, unwillingness to work at times hurt his potential. 128. Dory Funk Jr. - Interesting to think what he would do nowadays. Playing the grizzled veteran along with his backstage teaching skills, he'd be an asset to any organization. 131. Lou Thesz - Could he make it today? I think his wrestling skill could carry him, particularly as a stooging heel. 137. The Sheik - The most feared, savage heel of all time. 161. David Von Erich - Future NWA champion until his untimely death. David is a "what if" story, so I can't blame people for overlooking him. 176. Buddy Rogers - Top heel of his era, huge television star. Think Randy Orton cockiness combined with Ric Flair's charisma. Drew the biggest wrestling crowd in the United States in 1961. 38,000+ at Comiskey Park to see him win the NWA title, a mark unsurpassed until 1984.   4. Undrafted wrestlers.   Seven mostly old-school wrestlers who could benefit any promotion.   Mil Mascaras - One of the most popular latino wrestlers in history, used dazzling aerial manuevers in his prime. Fred Blassie - Before managing, was a blond, vicious heel with incredible talking ability. Billy Robinson - A great performer from Britain. Had less backstage warts than the Dynamite Kid. His mat work is good even by today's standards. Jim Londos - Who? The greatest gate attraction of the pre-1950s era. At 190 lbs., handsome and tanned, would make a great babyface champion for a light heavyweight division. Bobo Brazil - Popular black wrestler who re-defined racial boundaries. 6'6". Gene Kiniski - Largely unknown NWA champion. Good worker and talent, around 6'4". His size would make him credible and his heel work would carry him from there. Ernie Ladd - A former NFL star, legitimately huge with great heel mannerisms. Johnny Valentine - Greg's father worked the same style, but better.

EVIL~! alkeiper

EVIL~! alkeiper


6/16: Thinking Of Russert, King Of Kings

9 p.m.   • So my former co-worker turned in his resignation today. And in the true spirit of my former place of employment NOT ONE WORD WAS SAID ABOUT THIS by any of my ex-bosses. Awesome. Maybe they think if they don’t acknowledge this letter of resignation it never happened. Actually, they still might be in a state of shock. It was no shock I was looking to leave because I refused to look directly at two of my bosses and constantly questioned their questionable management styles. This guy, however, ALWAYS put on a happy face, so I’m sure this was unexpected. NOW this place is FUCKED. With just a month to go before my idiot ex-boss becomes the idiot ex-big boss of it all.   • Tim Russert died last week, which is a shame because he was my favorite “Medium Large Media” reporter. Yeah the guy was a Dem, but he was also fair, which is all you can ask for. I also remember watching a number of those 60-minute interviews he did with people, and he did a good job of just letting the interviewee do his or her own thing.   • Now THIS is news.   guy from Oregon won some hippie think-off in Minnesota by saying that illegal immigration is bad. Somewhere, money had to change hands.   • Only because I have this playing on the stereo now. What's the only thing better than a bunch of black gangsta rappers wearing L.A. Raiders gear during a late '80s/early '90s videos? The same black gangsta rappers wearing L.A. Kings gear. Those Compton ice rinks were hella thug.     Oh I couldn't resist but search YouTube for this gem. What makes this extra special is that this was the first "gangsta rap" song I ever heard.      




OVW TV Report for June 14, 2008

OVW TV Report for June 14, 2008   -CM Punk promo for Six Flags   -The Mobilehomers are backstage comforting “Tubby” Tommy McNaler about losing his TV Title. Twinkletoes comes in to gloat, but Tommy bites Twink’s finger.   -Show Open   -Dean Hill and Kenny Bolin are the hosts   -Tonight… Southern Tag Team Champions will be in action… Scott Cardinal vs. Darryl Kelly… The Insurgency in action… Chris Cage vs. Raul Locos… Nick Dinsmore defends the OVW Title against Dirty Money… Rudy Switchblade vs. Anthony Bravado…   Joey Matthews vs. Jamin Olivencia -Joey has APOC and Vaughn Lilas in his corner. Jamin backs away from the face off in the ring. He reaches into his tights and pulls out a glove. It is the golven that we’ve seen handing APOC and Lilas envelopes for the past few weeks. APOC and Lilas destroy Joey Matthews while Olivencia stands back and watches. Olivencia calls them off so he can wail on Matthews. He picks Matthews up and drops Joey Matthew’s with his own Double-Arm DDT. APOC counts the pin, but I don’t think that will count as a victory. Olivencia makes another payment to APOC and Lilas. The crowd is pretty quiet here, as Jamin Olivencia has been built up as the classic babyface and Joey Matthews is a total dick heel. I’m going to have a hard time seeing Matthews as a good guy.   -Six Flags promo… Not 15 seconds after the turn and beatdown, Matthews has signed for a match against Olivencia at Six Flags. Me thinks the graphics guys may be in on the double cross.   -Bravado is backstage with Twink, bitching about how his weight gets announced. Here comes Igotta Brewski. Bravado says he can’t compete with him in the ladies department. Brewski tries to bring up how he hangs out with biker chicks, but Bravado isn’t impressed. To compensate for his lack of success with the ladies, Brewski smashes a chair over his own head to show how tough he is. You can re-read that last sentence all you want, but it won’t make any sense.   Rudy Switchblade vs. Anthony Bravado -Switchblade is the OVW Newcomer of the Year, of course. Rudy tries to run at Bravado, but Bravado catches him and throws him across the ring. Rudy uses his speed to catch Bravado in a sunset flip, but only gets 2. Rudy ducks a clothesline and drops an elbow after taking Bravado down. Rudy tries a victory roll, but couldn’t get him over. Dropkick to the face has Rudy going for the pin, but he only gets 2. Rudy takes to the skies, but gets caught with a belly-to-belly suplex. Bravado starts putting be boots to Rudy Switchblade. Big shoulderblock in the corner by Bravado. Anthony Bravado works on Rudy’s back with a back breaker stretch. Rudy is able to fight out with knees to Bravado’s head. Rudy takes control with his speed and takes control with a bulldog headlock. Rudy goes to the apron to go for an Outisde-In Senton Splash, but Bravado gets the knees up. Bravado gets him up with the Jackhammer and that’s all she wrote. ** Not a bad power vs. speed match.   -Stephanie is backstage with JD Michaels. He’s number 1, you know.   -Six Flags promo… OVW Live Events calendar   Non-Title Match Nick Dinsmore © vs. Dirty Money - Dean Hill says this is a non-title match, so while we get the champ on TV, he’s not defending the belt. Kenny Bolin gives Dinsmore shit about never being on TV or defending the belt. Dinsmore and Money trade wristlocks. Money gets a snapmare and showboats. Probably not a smart move. Dinsmore takes Money down with a double leg takedown and he’s already locking in the Texas Cloverleaf. Quick tap out by Dirty Money. Total DUD. Nothing but a squash for the frequently MIA champion. Can we not find a credible contender and title holder so Dinsmore can do whatever the fuck he does between appearances with affecting the company’s image? Hulk Hogan would at least do an interview on SuperStars. We go weeks without hearing shit about Dinsmore.   -Promo for Al Barone… he’s a big guy that has been down in DCW for a while. He’s going to be a stereotypical Italian mob guy.   Chris Cage vs. Raul Locos -Cage is still awesome. Ray Ramsey is your referee. The bell hasn’t even rung yet and the crowd already has a “Chris Cage sucks” chant going. Cage starts working on Raul’s arm. Raul flips out and takes Cage down with a sweep to go for the pin. Cage kicks out at 1. Now Raul goes to work on the arm. Cage tries to flip out, but Raul hangs on. Clothesline takes Cage to the mat and Raul is going for the pin…Cage kicks out at 1 again. Raul snaps Cage down with a headlock. Cage pushes Paul into the corner and of course we do not get a clean break. The two start trading blocks and Cage takes the advantage. Snapmare by Cage followed up with a knee drop to the head only gets 2. Cage follows Raul into the corner with a clothesline. Cage want to send him the other way, but Raul reverses the Irish Whip. Raul comes into the corner, but Cage flips him onto the apron. Raul with the shoulder to the gut/sunset flip combo… but Cage hangs on to the ropes. He drops down on Raul and holds onto the top rope for leverage to get the 3 count. ** Good back and forth between the two.   -Cage jumps back in the ring and starts beating on Raul. Tank Toland runs out for the save! Dean Hill brings up the history between those two, citing that the first time they teamed up as Adrenaline, they won the OVW Southern Tag Team Titles. Could this mean a match at Six Flags? Or maybe a long term feud with some backstory and interest from me.   OVW Television Title Match JD Michaels © vs. “Tubby” Tommy McNaler -This is a return match from last week. McNaler jumps Michaels before the bell and starts punching Michaels in the back of the head. Michaels tries to push him off, but McNaler won’t be denied. McNaler goes back to the attack and tries for a pin, but only gets 1. “Tubby” Tommy tries to keep on the offensive, but Michaels sidesteps a running attack and McNaler goes flying to the outside. Michaels drops McNaler across the railing on the outside. Big elbows across the head of McNaler. McNaler tries to kick Michaels, but Michaels catches the foot and delivers a short clothesline. Michaels goes up top, but McNaler is on his feet. He goes to the corner and bites the fingers of JD Michaels. He then hits the ropes, causing Michaels to crotch himself on the turnbuckle. Now McNaler bits Michaels on the head. Roll up by McNaler gets 2. Big splash from McNaler only gets 2. McNaler up to the top… blown spot! I guess Michaels was supposed to catch him, but McNaler connected with the cross body. He then stayed on the ground while Michaels got up and shook it off. Dean Hill tried to play it off like McNaler landed awkwardly, but it was about as clean of a cross body as you could ask for. Michaels tries for the Ratings Spike, but McNaler starts biting him. McNaler goes for the Trailer Jack (or Hitch; they change their minds week-to-week), but JD Michaels blocks it and drops McNaler with the Ratings Spike. That good for the 3 count. * ½ . I hate The Mobilehomers. Michaels needs a credible challenger. Or maybe he could challenge for the OVW Heavyweight Title, but then Dinsmore would have to show up at Davis Arena more often.   -Six Flags promo… OVW Live Events Calendar…   The Insurgency vs. Los Rojos -Los Rojos is some jobber team in masks with no distinguishing characteristics, so recapping this match should be fun. Ali and #1 start off. Ali works the headlock. Ali tags in Turcan Celik. He starts hammering away on #1. Another tag by the Insurgency. Ali comes in and rakes the face of #1. Quick tags by the Insurgency. Turcan levels #1 and goes for the pin, but #2 comes in to break it up. Turcan drags #1 over to his corner and makes him tag in #2. #2 gets a punch that knocks him off the apron from Turcan. Ali comes over and rolls #2 in the ring. Turcan powerslams #2 down and gets the 3 count. DUD. Terrible squash.   -We go back to the frat house with Theta Lambda Psi. They tell us how awesome they are and he we aren’t good enough to be in their fraternity.   -Six Flags promo…   -Scott Cardinal rips Dirty Money for losing to Dinsmore.   Scott Cardinal vs. Darryl Kelly Should be another jobber-riffic match. Kelly’s mustache makes him look like somebody you wouldn’t want around children. Cardinal is pretty over. Cardinal and Kelly trade offensive maneuvers to start the match. Cardinal gets caught with a dropkick and a quick cover by Kelly only gets 1. Back up and Cardinal hammers Kelly with a forearm. Cardinal makes liberal use of the 5 count by gouging Kelly’s face. Cardinal gets caught off guard with a small package, but Kelly is only able to get 2. Cardinal gets back ot his feed and gets back in the driver’s seat. Big headbutt by Cardinal send Kelly to the mat. Cardinal mounts Kelly and wails on Kelly’s head with right hands. Kelly gets whipped hard into the corner. Cardinal picks up Kelly… Death Valley Driver. That’s enough for the 3 count. * While it was a squash, it is moderately competitive.   -Six Flags Promo… OVW Live Events Calendar.   Non-Title Match The Men of Iron vs. The War Party -This is the main event? The Southern Tag Team Titles getting defended against The War Party? How fucking sad is this organization? When I first saw Lightfoot a few years ago at a live event, I thought he could have been Native American. I’m pretty sure he’s black. And the other half of the War Party is obviously white. And he painted over his chest tattoo with a bear paw. Awful, awful, awful. Conway has started wearing an arm band on his left bicep for some reason.   -The War Party jumps the Men of Iron before the bell hoping to gain an advantage. Buck gets tossed and the War Party double teams Rob Conway. Outlaw holds up Conway and Lightfoot comes in with a big clothesline. And the bell finally rings. Double falling headbutts by the War Party. Conway gets tossed and the War Party focuses their attention on Pat Buck. Buck gets slingshotted in off the apron. More double teaming by the War Party and Buck gets taken down with chops. Conway is back on the apron. The War party looks to slingshot him in, but Conway blocks the attempt and he sligshots the War Party to the outside. Back inside, the Men of Iron do a do-si-do and hammer the War Party. Out come Scott Cardinal and Dirty Money to attack the Men of Iron. And here comes The Insurgency to join the fray. All 3 heel tag teams beat down the Men of Iron. No decision given. * ½   -To end the show, we go over the Six Flags card one more time. In the background, you can hear the beatdown continue. This may have been the worst show of the summer. Cage-Toland may be an interesting feud, but everything else is either pointless or complete garbage.   So here is the announced card for the Six Flags show on June 20th:   Joey Matthews vs. Jamin Olivencia The Mobilehomers vs. Theta Lambda Psi Serena © vs. Melody for the OVW Women’s Title The Men of Iron © vs. Scott Cardinal & Dirty Money for the Southern Tag Team Titles CM Punk will be in action   Punk may be a draw, but this looks to be the worst Six Flags show yet. No announced opponent for Punk and once again, no OVW Title defense.




6/15: Is There An NBA Draft In Here?

11:15 a.m.   • So Cena’s Writer came up with an interesting idea in the sports folder – an NBA all-time draft. For as much as I wanted to take part in the festivities, I declined. Why? Because I’m not on nearly as much online as I used to be and I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep up with sending in picks on time. Also, I don’t know much about the NBA outside of the early to mid-1990s. However, now that the draft came and went, I’ll see what would have happened had I been given a spot.   Please note that even though I looked through this thread a time or two during the draft process, I have no idea who went where. I’ll go through the thread and make my picks in turn. I may not get through this in one sitting, so if you are going to comment please don’t give any spoilers.   Order. I’ll pretend Gert T never existed and take his 10 spot. Wherever he was selecting in this draft, that’s where I will be. It's a nice, middle-of-the-road place to be. And I won't be selecting M.J., Magic or Larry.   Strategy. As I said before, most of my time following the NBA was in the 1990s. This means my immediate knowledge of who to take will be VERY limited. Because of this, I will be using some Web site to help me. I have a sketchy plan of who I want to select, but outside of a few things, I’ll be gunning for value. This means I’ll be hankering on that “All NBA roster” that was created a few years back, along with a basketball reference site or two. Whatever. I’m sure I’m not the only one employing this strategy.   Style. Even though I will be going for talent, I’ll try to build a team that reflects my personality and preferences. And yes, there will be blacks on this team. Hey, someone has to fetch the Gatorade.   Rules. Cena laid some groundwork at what to look for when making your picks, such as to factor in team chemistry, etc. I will do so as well. Even though I’m one who believes 99 percent of players from 50 years ago wouldn’t be competitive with the players of today, I will consider older players in the spirit of this friendly competition. However, I will probably not take many current players because there’s no way to determine how great they truly are or truly could be. There will be exceptions to this. For example, Shaquille O'Neal has had a long and distinguished career. There would be nothing wrong with taking him or Steve Nash, who has played more than 10 seasons. However, I consider someone like Chris Paul WAY too young to be involved with something like this. If you take him, good for you. Hell, I may even take a n00b or two in the later rounds. Who knows -- that's what makes drafts fun.   Posting. I’m going to start this off by telling what my original list of players will be before actually starting any selections. In-between my picks, I’m going to offer some kkk-ommentary about other picks. And I’ll try to keep the “GRAAAAAAAAAH, I was going to pick him!” remarks to a minimum.   Roster Strategy OK, so here is how I’m going to work this. I have a list of players that I am going to gun for in the early rounds. I also have some players that I think could slip in later rounds. I’m probably going to concentrate on my Starting Five, a few reserves that I think would be in demand, a coach and finally a few reserves that I like. Oh, and even if he’s available in the last round, Scottie Pippen will NOT be on my team.   With that said, here we go.   1 p.m.   • As I said before, there are a list of names I have that I hope will be around when I make my picks. They include Tim Duncan, Hakeem Olajuwon, Bob Cousey, Pete Maravich and Jerry West. Do I expect to get all of these players? Hell no. Do I expect to get one, maybe two? Yes. Ideally, I’d like to get a big man first, followed by a point guard. I’m not quite sure where I will go from there. As I said before, I’ll be gunning for value, so the 50 all-time roster will be helping me out in the first few rounds. After that I’ll probably look for scoring out of my starters with defensive-minded players on the bench.   Here is a list of players I hope to take in the later rounds: Center: I’m hoping Moses Malone is around in rounds 3-5. Brad Daugherty might be a good reserve. And then there’s my favorite player of all time Bill Laimbeer.   Forwards: These positions, especially Small Forward, will be determined by who’s available when. Robert Horry, Buck Williams, Dennis Rodman, A.C. Green, Bernard King, Kevin McHale and Michael Finley. Am I comparing Finley to McHale? No. But these are just some names I’ve jotted down.   Guards: Mark Price is nice, but I’ll be dookie without Mookie (Blayock). Yeah, that was bad. Jeff Hornacek and Sidney Moncrief are some other names twirling around in my head. I’m sure Michael Cooper and Allen Iverson will be taken before I can get them in the rounds I’m hoping they will be available.   Coach: I’m not really stressing this position yet. I’m going to see who I have before looking for someone that might be a good fit for my starters.   Here we go at the start of Round 1:   Jordan, Magic, Bird, Kareem. Big shocks there. Can you blame anyone for NOT taking any of them? Lebron James is a bit of a surprise going in the Top 8, but at least now he’ll be on a team with a supporting cast. Wow, Tim Duncan was taken a 9 and Shaq is still available? Shit. I had Olajuwon as my back-up big man if Duncan was taken. However, I didn’t count on O’Neal being available at 10. Goddamn, and I like both of them…   Round 1: Shaquille O’Neal I wanted a big man, and I got one. A big man who raps and can’t make free throws.   LOL – Gert chose Hakeem with his first-round pick. I guess I’ll eliminate his picks from consideration, too. Wow, Jorge picked Shaq at number 11. MOSES went at 12?! Wow, I thought he would be a steal in a later round. Cousy and Maravich are out. So someone should always pick first in each round? Cena’s order is perfectly fine. Shoot, Jerry West is gone. Maybe I should have went with a guard in the first round rather than a big man. OK, I want a point guard, but who?   Round 2: Clyde Frazier There were a few other names I was considering, but I really wanted a point guard. This is a case when I wasn’t considering him until I looked at the 50-greatest roster and saw his name, which reminded me of him.   John Havlicek was another name I was strongly considering for Round 2, but I was hell-bent on getting a point guard. There goes McHale. There goes Rodman. Now I’m just gunning for value on the Top 50 list.   Round 3: Nate Thurmond After reading up on him, I figure he could take the Power Forward spot.   I had thoughts about Adrian Dantley and Bernard King, but I wasn’t sure where they would fall. I considered Steve Nash, but I didn’t want to just pick players from recent times. Sidney Moncrief … wow, I must have pulled another Moses with this one. Bye, Buck. Horry’s now gone -- Was I undervaluing these people? I thought they would be available in later rounds.   Round 4: David Bing I might as well stock up on as many 50-all-time-greats as I can. Seems like a nice guy, too.   Joe Dumars was running through my head about where he would land during Round 2. I really liked Kevin Johnson during the 1990, especially when he would sign autographs after asking kids to solve math problems. After reading his bio I knew Bill Cunningham wouldn’t get to me.   Round 5: Alex English I saw that Paul Arizin was still on the Top 50 list, but I wanted scoring at the Small Forward position, which is why I went with Alex English. I also see that Gert T picked the same person as I did in the same round! We had Hakeem in the first round (although I went with someone I didn’t figure would be available) and now English in the fifth. That’s funny. The reason I went with English here is because I went onto Basketball-Reference.com and noted his spot on the all-time points-per-game list. Also I read on Wiki that he was awarded J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award in 1988. Another sweetie.   Christ, I didn’t realize how long this would take. I’m gong to stop here. This is my starting five: Shaquille O’Neal, Clyde Frazier, Nate Thurmond, David Bing, Alex English.   I’ll do some more some other time.




6/14: What's Happening

11 a.m.   • So for the past week or so the better half has been whining about wanting to see “The Happening.” Last night we went to the theater, against my will, and saw this piece of shit.   Spoilerz ahead~! You've been warned. You can thank me later.   If you didn’t see my post in the Movies Folder, here you go.   *******************************************************   Well, it's official. Mrs. kkk is no longer allowed to make selections for "movie night."     Replace the road with a field and I just saved you $9 (or whatever your theater's early-bird discount is).   If you go to this YouTube's page, the most recent comment at the time of this posting is:     *******************************************************   The sad thing is, I’m not making this up. Hell, I was WISHING for one of those last-minute SWERVES that M. Knight Shy-whatever typically puts in his films. Make Marky Mark part of a group of rouge scientists "plant"-ing poison across the Northeast. Make it a group of tree people trying to take over the world. Make it all a dream. Make it have something to do with lemmings. Make it something other than vegetation fighting back against humans. I guess the swerve took place during the movie’s marketing campaign, making people think this would be a worthwhile piece of entertainment. Well, it was rather funny. Here are some other insta-thoughts I’m typing up as I’m going along:   * Why the hell did the “second wave” of plant attacks take place in France? What about the Amazon rainforest or in a country whose environmental policies put the EVIL United State to shame? Hell, filming the final scene in India would have given the movie’s director a chance to make his usual cameo as being one of the two people talking before the toxins start up. It would have been a better appearance than the one he did. (For those that don’t watch credits, he was the caller stalking Marky Mark’s wife.)   * The plants attacked the Northeast? Good, wipe those liberal environments out. Guess Mother Nature doesn't have an electoral map.   * Not only did I think of South Park’s global warming attack during certain parts of this film, but when Marky Mark’s math friend decided to go back and find his wife in Princeton, I imagined a joke said by Gilbert Gottfried, “My girlfriend once said to me ‘kiss me where it smells.’ So I took her to New Jersey.”   * Like Smues said in the Movies thread, for as accomplished an actor Mark Walberg is or becomes, I can’t help but think of him as “Marky Mark.”   * I actually had some hope at the beginning when Marky Mark was talking to his class about why bees were disappearing. When the kids began throwing out possibilities (pollution), Marky Mark was shooting down the theories (there aren’t any carcasses – the bees are DISAPPEARING). One of the theories was GLOBAL WARMING and Marky Mark made some remark about the temperature shifting by a fraction of a percent. I’m not sure if this line was made in sarcasm by the character, but it made me snicker. Little did I know that WE DIDN’T LISTEN~!   * When you mow your lawn, does the grass get mad at being cut or happy because it's like a person getting a haircut? I know I feel much better after a trim.   I’ve got nothing better to do at the moment. I might as well rate Mr. Knight’s movies from least favorite to most.                                                     Lady in the Water. I don’t even remember what most of this was about. Some fairy chick being chased by monsters and all the tenants of some complex unite. The only thing I can recall is there was some movie critic that made me chuckle before getting killed because the script didn’t go according to plan. I think M. Knight said this story was a tale he read to his kids. That’s nice and all that, but it doesn’t mean you should make it into a movie.                                                     The Happening. For as awful as this movie was, at least it made me laugh. There where three times during death/violence scenes when I was laughing out loud, which prompted Mrs. kkk to say “Are you laughing NOW?” Yep. It was that bad. But at least it wasn’t as boring as “Lady.” Oh, here’s something I liked. Watching those two shithead kids mouthing off to some people that barricaded themselves in their house and warned Marky Mark’s group to get off their property. Hey, they were on private property. Actually, I made another South Park crack during this time. “Well, they was trespassin' and I was protectin' myself. I, I have my rights!” Zero dollars to the person to first guess what episode this line came from.                                                     Unbreakable. I saw this movie only once and that was about two years ago. I’m not hating on it, but it was too slow for me. Then again, I knew what the ending was before watching, so I’m sure that played a factor in my indifference. If you like this film, more power to you. I can see why you would.                                                     The Sixth Sense. Another meh from me. Then again, I knew Bruce Willis was a ghost the scene after he was shot. And this time I did not know anything about the spoilerz~! The kid wasn’t that bad, and I liked how he got “used” to the ghosts as the movie went along.                                                     The Village. Wow, why am I doing a review of M. Knight’s movies when I really don’t like any of them? Trust me, this film, Unbreakable and the Sixth Sense are not all that far apart on this list. Why do I put this film above the others? Only because it dealt with a group of people wanting to escape city life – and who can blame them for doing so? They could have just moved out to the suburbs for a generation or two before the blacks and Hispanics take over, but if building log cabins and establishing forbidden forests is your thing, then who am I to judge?                                                     Signs. Some people like this movie. Others HATE it. Me? The first time I watched this film I was thinking “Where the hell is this all going?” Then Mel Gibson’s family met the aliens and all those quirky things that we learned throughout the film (the kid with unfinished drinking glasses, the other kid with lung problems, the ex-baseball player with no bat control) finally came full circle. Was this all a coincidence? Or were each of these oddities given to the characters for a reason? You have to decide, but I have already made one decision long ago – I like this film. Yeah, I’ve heard the arguments about why would aliens land on a planet with water (a deadly substance for them) covering most of the surface. (And let’s not even get into what would happen if it rained, snowed or got foggy.) But I’m giving this one a pass.




RIP Tim Russert

-Tim Russert died at 58 today. Dude was one of the last great Journalists around, and one of the few people in the news media that I have respect for. RIP man.

-I'm going to my sister's graduation tomorrow. Should be fun.

-I'm also going to give Lil' Wayne's new album a listen sometime this week. Does it live up to all the hype?

-I'll go back to the worst horror movies of all time in the days ahead as well. I'm almost finished BTW.

Gary Floyd

Gary Floyd


OVW TV Report for June 7, 2008

OVW TV Report for June 7, 2008   -Show Open   -Dean Hill and Kenny Bolin are the hosts   -Tonight… Tommy McNaler defends the TV Title against JD Michaels… OVW Southern Tag Titles will be defended… Scott Cardinal in action… The Insurgency vs. The Mobilehomers… Serena has an interview… Joey Matthews faces Ted McNaler… Igotta Brewski vs. Dirty Money   -Chris Cage is in the ring with a mic. He talks about how awesome he is. He’s beat Nick Dinsmore (he didn’t) and Elijah Burke (he didn’t) and since he’s done that, he’s king of the mountain and nobody can knock him off. So now he’s issued an open challenge. The lights go out and here is Jacob Duncan. He delivers a massive chokeslam on Cage. Jacob Duncan accepts Chris Cage’s open challenge for Six Flags on Friday the 13th.   Igotta Brewski vs. Dirty Money -Brewski kinda looks like Hercules. Money tries to get an early jump, but Brewski is all hopped on beer. Brewski delivers a big headbutt to Money’s chest. Huge Punge, or the Last Call as it is called here, end things quickly. DUD. Total squash.   -Six Flags promo… OVW Fundraiser info…   Ted “The Trailer” McNaler vs. Joey Matthews -How the hell are the Mobilehomers so over? Joey Matthews comes out and goes right to work. McNaler tries to be quick, but gets a boot to the face from Matthews. The Trailer drags Matthews to the outside. He tries to chop Matthews, but Joey ducks and McNaler chops the ring post. Ted McNaler tries to climb back in the ring, but Joey Matthews comes over and kicks him off the apron. He’s been out of about 2 ten counts. McNaler tries again to get in, but Matthews punches him off the apron. He’s another 7 ten counts. Joey tries to knock him off the apron again, but McNaler catches him with a shoulder to the gut. McNaler goes to work on Matthews, but Matthews tosses outside. The Trailer is back in with fists flying, but Matthews again tosses him out. McNaler back in, but he gets thrown out again. McNaler to the top rope… Joey Matthews ducked the cross body. Double-Arm DDT on McNaler. The crowd chants “one more time”. Matthews gets the win. DUD, but it did further the fact that Joey Matthews is a dick, if you didn’t know. Looks like the crowd is getting their wish, as Joey picks up The Trailer and drops him again with a Double-Arm DDT.   -Backstage Anthony Bravado is still looking at his magazine. Here is Bin Hamin to request his services. Apparently Omar has moved on from OVW, because The Insurgency needs a replacement for the six man tag match at Six Flags. So this Friday we’ve got The Men of Iron and Paul Birchill vs. Ali, Turcan Celik and Anthony Bravado.   -Six Flags promo… OVW Live Events…   -Backstage, Rudy Switchblade gets congratulated for winning the OVW Newcomer of the Year.   -In the ring is the DCW guy known as Richard Cranium (Dick Head, get it?). Serena and her newer, bigger tits are here. Before she can even talk, out comes Josie. And now here is Melody to challenge Serena for the OVW Women’s Title. Josie attacks Serena from behind and they both go to work on her. Here is O.D.B. to make the save! She issues a challenge for Six Flags… Serena and O.D.B. vs. Melody and Josie   -Six Flags Promo…   -APOC and Vaughn Lilas receive another envelope of money backstage.   The Insurgency (Ali & Turcan Celik) vs. The Mobilehomers (Adam Revolver & Nine Fingers Dewey) -So we get all the Mobilehomers in action tonight. Revolver starts the USA chant. Dewey and Ali start. Dewey gets pushed in the corner, but fights out. The Insurgency try to double team, but Revolver comes in and the double team backfires. Turcan trips up Dewey. Turcan tags in and puts the boots to Dewey. Ali tags back in and hammers away on Dewey. Turcan comes in via some good old fashioned southern tag team cheating. Dewey fights out of a front facelock.. Revolver tags in and is a mobile home of fire in the ring. Revolver goes for the pin, but Turcan breaks it up. Turcan and Dewey are fighting outside and over comes Bin Hamin to jam the Iraqi flag into Dewey’s back. Revolver tries to help, but Ali shows that he has been watching Auburn football games by chop blocking Revolver down. Ali locks in the Camel Clutch and Revolver has to submit. * ½. More or less a competitive squash for The Insurgency.   -Six Flags promo… Upcoming OVW Live Events…   -Dirty Money is backstage when Scott Cardinal walks up and berates him for losing earlier tonight.   Lumpy Magoo vs. Scott Cardinal -Lumpy is a jobber who is a nerd. Whoopie. Cardinal grabs the mic and says he is disrespected by the OVW crowd. Cardinal is a pretty good heel. Magoo looks like somebody I know. Cardinal just beats the shit out of Magoo. Magoo gets fishhooked, gouged, punched, kicked… the whole nine yards. Cardinal doesn’t even waste a superkick on Magoo and just throws Magoo down and gets the 3 count. DUD. We’re just full of squashes tonight.   -The Frat Pack are at a frat party. Theta Lambda Psi are the Greek letters. They vaguely look like O-V-W. Clever.   OVW Southern Tag Team Title Match The Men of Iron vs. Shiloh & Sergio -Another squash. Conway and Shiloh start off. They trade go behinds and Conway nails him with a clothesline. Pat Buck tags in and the Men of Iron drop double Elbows of Iron. Buck goes for the pin, but in comes Sergio to break it up. Sergio tags in, but gets caught with a dropkick. Conway back in. Buck whips Sergio in the ropes and catches him with a punch to the midsection. Conway then drives his knee into Sergio’s head. Sergio pushes Conway into the corner and Shiloh chokes out The Ironman while the referee is distracted. Conway gets whipped into the ropes makes a blind tag. Conway slides between the legs of Sergio while Pat Buck goes to the top rope. Conway with a judo slam… a stunned Sergio gets up and gets hit with a cross body from the top by Pat Buck. That’s good for the 3 count. Another DUD-tastic squash. Shiloh stupidly tries to attack The Men of Iron after the match, but Conway gives him an Ego Trip for his troubles.   -Six Flags Promo… OVW Live Events…   Television Title Match “Tubby” Tommy McNaler © vs. JD Michaels -JD Michaels’ attire looks very similar to Shawn Michaels’ attire back in the day. Referee Bill Clark shows off the belt to indicate it is on the line. Michaels tries to sneak up on McNaler before the bell, but he moves and Michaels ends u p on the apron. “Tubby” Tommy tries to keep the advantage by using his speed, but Michaels stops him with a foot to the face. Michaels is just brutalizing Tommy McNaler. Big knife edge chop on McNaler. Michaels starts rubbing McNaler’s face into the mat, showing no respect to his opponent. Michaels tries for a legdrop, but McNaler moves! McNaler tries for the Trailer Hitch, but Michaels throws him off. McNaler ducks a clothesline and starts biting Michael’s ass. Headbutt to the chest (popular move this week) of Michaels drops him to the mat. McNaler comes off the ropes with a big splash. He goes for the cover, but only gets 2. McNaler follows Michaels into the corner, but Michaels gets out of the way. Michaels works over McNaler with punches and kneelifts. Michaels is just in complete control of this match now. Michaels sets McNaler on the top rope. Michaels tries to work over McNaler some more, but McNaler kicks him to the mat. Michaels comes back into the corner thinking he’s got McNaler is a precarious position, but McNaler starts biting Michaels on the top of the head. McNaler with a Thez Press off the second rope. McNaler runs at Michaels trying for a cross body block, but Michaels catches him and sends him to the mat. Michaels climbs the ropes, but misses the elbow drop! McNaler tries for the Trailer Hitch, but gets thrown off again. A sick neckbreaker that Michaels calls the Ratings Spike ends things and we’ve got a new TV Champion. Nothing too offensive, but I hate Tommy McNaler. **   So now we go over the Six Flags card one last time…   The Men of Iron & Paul Burchill vs. The Insurgency & Anthony Bravado Jacob Duncan vs. Chris Cage Mobile Homers vs. The Frat Pack Rudy Switchblade vs. Scott Cardinal vs. JD Michaels Serena & O.D.B. vs. Josie, Melody & Reggie (I guess they stuck Reggie in after the fact, because she had nothing to do with the set-up for this match) OVW Champion Nick Dinsmore will be in action. They don't even name an opponent, showing how little they care about Dinsmore and the OVW Title.     Pretty lousy show, other than JD Michaels winning the TV Title. Just squash after squash. These shows are getting harder and harder to watch.




OVW Six Flags Summer Sizzler Results from June 6, 2008

According to Gerweck.net, 400-500 people were at last week's show. That basically doubled last week's crowd. Lawler always will be a draw in Louisville. I never saw a complete set of results, but here is what I've heard:   Main Event Jerry “The King” Lawler defeated Anthony Bravado   Southern Tag Team Title Match The Men of Iron © beat The Insurgency to retain the titles   Finals of the OVW Newcomer of the Year Tournament Rudy Switchblade beat JD Michaels to become Newcomer of the Year   ------------   Assuming tonight's show doesn't get rained out, there will be both WWE and TNA contracted talent on the show. WWE Superstar Paul Burchill and TNA Knockout O.D.B. will both be in action tonight. Here is the card for the June 13 Six Flags Summer Sizzler Series show:   Main Event The Men of Iron & Paul Burchill vs. The Insurgency (Ali and Turcan Celik) & Anthony Bravado   Jacob Duncan vs. Chris Cage   The Mobilehomers vs. The Frat Pack   Three Way Dance Rudy Switchblade vs. Scott Cardinal vs. JD Michaels   Women's Handicap Tag Team Match Serena & O.D.B. vs. Josie, Melody & Reggie   OVW Champion Nick Dinsmore will be in action. No opponent was ever named on TV, which shows you how important the title is to them.   ------------   I'll have the June 7th OVW TV Report up this evening.




Taking A Break Part 1

Hello Everybody! Randomly updating this thing because I haven't since Feb apprently. Sorry about that. there's no excuse for me not updating this...just haven't done it.   So since I haven't updated this thing in such long time, I'll go ahead and talk about a few things that I've done here and there.   The first thing I'm going to discuss is my experiance working for a new company out here in CA called Big League Wrestling..or BLW for short. They were using DMW's ring so I got automatically booked to Referee at the show because I'm also apart of DMW's ring crew as well as a trainee. So we get there, set up the ring, and I'm under the impression I'm the only Referee at the show, later I find out from the promoter that I'm not the only other Referee. Which was nice because I really didn't feel like Refereeing 8 matches in a row.   The other Referee was a guy named Ronnie who Refs for another promotion out here in Bay Area. It was my first time working with him even though he's been around Refereeing for years. I guess he only Refs for this one promotion or if that promotion has influance somewhere else, he'll go and Ref for the company his main company has influance in.   So as I'm waiting to time pass and show time to come closer, Ronnie is not there yet and the promoter tells me what matches I have for the night. Which was 1, 3, and 5, which was basically all the matches that had DMW folk in them. I was fine with that, but I was hoping to get half the card and Ronnie could take the other half, but the promoter didn't know me and my history with just about EVERY wrestler working BLW, except Chris Masters and Relik. They were also on the show but I'm going to talk about them in a minute or so. So after hearing my line up, Rated 2-G, who are a tag team from LA who've I've worked with quite a bit, requsted my Referee services as well. The promoter agreed and now I had Matches 1, 3, 5, and 7...basically all the odd numbers.   The show starts around 6 and every one is there, the main event for the night was Chris Masters vs Relik. I was looking forward to meeting Relik as I've always been a fan of his and when he showed up, he was a really nice guy. First thing he did was walk around the entire kitchen turned into a locker room and shook everyone's hand and was really friendly throughout the night. Really easy guy to walk up to and talk to. Masters also did walk up and shake everyone's hand when he showed up....but to be honest, and this isn't a knock against him or anything, but he just seemed like he didn't want to be there. He just seemed he wanted to get through the night and get ouf of there.   I go out there and Ref the first match, get done, go to the back and watch the 2nd match happen as I want to watch Ronnie Referee......I can't my opinon about his Refereeing (counts way to fast) skils. During the 2nd match, Rik Luxury (who was also working the show) asked me who was doing his match,the 4th match. I told him Ronnie and I was informed it was actually me. Ronnie ended up telling the people in the match that he didn't have it, which puzzled me because I was never informed of the Ref match listing change till right then.   The 2nd match ends and now it's the 3rd match. Which was one of the DMW guys vs a guy who works with the same company Ronnie works in, (sidenote: I'm advoiding names here for good reasons.) who also holds a belt that was on the line. Before I walk out for the match, I noticed that Ronnie had not returned to the back yet, which puzzled me. I walk out there and I see Ronnie standing in the ring, waiting for the wrestlers to come out. I tug on my shirt and point to myself to give him the sign I have the match. As he's getting out the ring to walk past me, I pat him on the back and tell him I have the next 3 matches. Which was match 3, 4, and 5.   I get into the ring and about 20 seconds later, I turn around to see Ronnie getting back in the ring. I ask him what he's doing and he points to the promoter who is now ringside. The promoter gives me the "come here" sign and I get out of the ring to ask the promoter what's going on. He tells me he screwed up and that Ronnie actually this match and I get pist. I go to the back and I'm asked why I'm in the back instead of out there from the guys in the back. I explain to them what happen and they're not happy about it either. A few people have an idea on why I was switched out of the match as a Ref but I'm not going to go into that here as I have no clue who will read this.   So the match ends and I go out for match 4, still pist about what happen but it's over and hopefully nothing like that will happen again. Match 4 goes well and now we hit to intermission....which is half an hour long. Long intermission but people were signing autographs and Relik was in the ring taking pictures, so it's understandable why intermission was so long.   Now it's Match 5, which was Helfyre vs DMW Champion Jason Vega for the DMW title in the DMW's championship first road defense. When the match begain, the three of us did a little something. Helfyre climbed the turnbuckle to get a cheer from the crowd, then Jason did the same thing, then Helfyre repeated the turnbuckle crowd cheer as did Jason. After they both did it twice...I decided to do it as well. So I do it and the crowd cheers...yay. The match goes on and Helfyre ends up beating Jason to win the DMW Championship.   After the match we go to the back and I peak out the window to watch the match 6 and what do I see? What's the first thing I motherfucking see? The two wrestlers and Ronnie the Referee do the same excat thing Helfyre, Jason Vega, and Myself did with the turnbuckle crowd cheering. It just pist me off more. First he got my match switched and now he pulls that crap? Fuck him. It actually kinda backfired though because I know people in the crowd found it really dumb that they just did the same excat thing myself, Jason, and Helfyre did and actually doing it the match after ours. If anything, it just put me out there because it just made people think of the three of us doing it, so I guess it favors me and Jason and Helfyre in the long run but still...fuck him.   I'm alright though because 2 of the 4 matches he was suppose to originally Referee (this was before he got my match switched at the last minute) in, the wrestlers involved in those matches told me how they wished or wanted me to Referee their matches as I know what I'm doing and how I know my place in matches and how I can keep up with the guys involved in the matches...while Ronnie...while to be blunt..Ronnie sucks and he made it painfully obvious that night.   The BLW show itself was cool. I had fun doing it other than the minor problems I had with Ronnie that night, but the show itself was fine, but sadly that is most likely the last show I'll be doing with BLW as......well...I plan on taking a long break really soon.  


